Chapter 1

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Jay's POV

I hugged my bare arms across my chest as my teeth chattered. I looked upwards and saw nothing but grey clouds sprinkling me with snow.

"I have to get warmth," my mind thought.

I walked through 3 inch snow in my pajamas. I couldn't figure out why I was here. My brained racked through memories trying to remember but nothing to any avail.

I squinted through the freezing snow to see an object, or person in the distance. I couldn't see who it was. I tried yelling for help but it was like I couldn't scream. I had no voice.

At any moment I felt that my legs would give out. A few steps later I heard quiet cracking. Could it just be the snow? Ice?

The cracking sound grew louder with every step I took. My eyes widened as I heard the cracking sound, even louder than before and soon the ground underneath me gave out.

I was plunged into the cold icy water as I held my breath. I seemed to sink deeper as I tried to swim back up. The person who I saw before was peering down at me.

I tried to swim up faster. My lungs were on fire, longing for the air that kept me alive. I started to see black spots in my sight...

I sat up in my bed. I was sweaty. I felt as if I wanted to cry. But no. I've had this dream for as long as I can remember, it always felt so real.

I sucked in a gulp of air as I remembered the end of the dream, making sure I'm still alive.

I sighed and laid back down on my bed, slightly turning my head to see the clock at my beside. '3:48am...'. I groaned quietly, we had to train in 4 hours. I rolled on my side facing the wall closing my eyes to try and sleep again.

I opened my eyes after 15 minutes of trying. I decided to get my mind off everything. I slipped on my shoes and jacket and quietly slipped outside.

The night sky was beautiful, it was a crescent moon tonight. My eyes wandered to the city as I leaned on the railing. I smiled slightly. Everything was peaceful in Ninjago.

The sound of nothing but the wind was interrupted by a familiar voice,


This was short but whatever i enjoyed writing this so shut up

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