chapter one.

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Maybe it was weird, maybe it wasn't normal. Who cares? You didn't, you loved it. You loved Frank's hands. Not just loved, you maybe had an obsession. Who said you couldn't have a kink for someone's fancy, tattooed hands? Anyway, his hands weren't just regular hands, no, they were way better. He had guitarist fingers, tattooed guitarist fingers. God, just think about it. His already wonderful hands with fingers that were already very talented from playing the guitar. It made many people's minds wonder on what else he could do with those fingers, one of them being yours.

"Well, shit," you mumbled, your thinking taking over your whole body, letting the coffee you were going to drink spill all over your shirt. See? This is why you hated Frank. One thought and you could become even more clumsy than you already were, which wasn't hard by the way. You put the hot coffee down, well, what was left of it, and headed to the bathroom. It wasn't like it was the first time you split one of your drinks all over yourself, so you knew the drill. Kinda sad, isn't it? You didn't close the door, not seeing a need to since Frank was hanging out with Gerard for a while. Ever since, and a little before, the breakup they haven't been hanging out like usual. To which worried you, so you nagged Frank until he left. At least you got the apartment to myself now, you could do whatever you wanted. You stripped off your clothes, put them in the hamper, and turned the shower on. Fucking coffee, I hate you Gerard. Ever since you started to hang out with the coffee freak, he made you try all of the coffee he got. Now I can't go a day without coffee.. You let your hands rest on your hips, looking at your body in the mirror for a while. You had somewhat of a nice body, it actually getting curvy since you've gotten older. Thank God everything filled out in the right places. You could see the large mirror fogging, and looked over at the shower to see the watery substance rising from the curtain. You stepped in, feeling the warm water hit your skin quickly, making you let out a loud sigh. It just felt really good, like rubbing your eyes. You hummed a little, grabbing a washcloth and some of Frank's body wash since he used up all of yours. You shook your head, really Frank? You fucking pansy. After washing your body, making sure that you were really clean, you stood in the way of the warm water. It felt good, and you didn't feel like getting out at all. You closed my eyes and leaned your shoulder against the wet wall, just going over and thinking. You let your mind wander a lot, sometimes it got you into deep trouble, but it was just an old habit that was hard to break. You couldn't help but think about Frank as well, him being on your mind constantly. How could you not think about that boy?

"Wha-!?" You yelped, feeling hands wrap around your hips from behind. Your eyes went wide open, turning around to see that eat shit grin and huge hazel eyes. I swear to God, if he does this one more fucking time I'm gonna fucking- He kissed your lips softly, and the threat you were trying to process melted away against his plump lips.

"Hey babe," he mumbled in your ear, his hot breath rolling down your neck. You smiled widely, letting your arms wrap around his next loosely. "Gerard got busy with his comic, so I kinda let him be. You don't mess with an artist, or they cover you in blue paint," Frank rolled his eyes, remembering the time they had a paint war in the middle of the bus. God, that took forever to clean, since he cleaned it by himself. Gerard couldn't get his hands dirty, Frank swore he was a woman sometimes. You laughed, nodding as you felt the warm water hit your lower back a little.

 "You sure he didn't tell you to stop fucking with him and get the hell out?" You asked, knowing Frank a little more than he thought you did. Frank was a dick to everyone; always playing pranks and being a shit head. With that Frank slightly blushed, shrugging as he ducked his head a little. 

Seriously, he was the most cutest thing. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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