Chapter 4

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When Justin left, I got a bottle of water for myself and sat down. I was replaying what happened tonight in my head. I knew it was going to be a bad idea, but it was better than what could have, I guess. It’s a good thing I saw Tyler. I wonder who he was waiting for that didn’t show up. Maybe it was a friend. Why am I so bothered by this? I should go to sleep. I couldn’t help but replay the conversation Tyler and I had as I walked into the condo. Didn’t he say neighbor? What did he mean by that? I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.  I was about to walk into my room to go to bed when Jake walked out.

“Hey.” I said.

“Oh. Hi. Didn’t see you there. Can’t sleep, either?” he said.

“No, we just got back like 5 minutes ago.” I said.

“Got back?” he asked with a confused look.

“Oh...yeah. We went to Roman Thunder.” I said in a weird voice.

“Roman Thunder? Isn’t that the club we passed by on the way here?” he said.

“Yup. That’d be the one. They wanted to go, and of course they dragged me. I should’ve just pretended to sleep when I had the chance. Lucky you missed everything.” I said in a whiny voice.

He chuckled at me, and in a mock voice said, “Yes, Lucky me!”

“Well, I’m tired. Good night.” I said with a wave as I headed for my room.

I changed and got ready for bed. As soon as I lay in bed, I could feel the tiredness overtake me.

I was running again; this time faster. I couldn’t breathe.  Why was I running? That’s when I heard it; someone crying. I looked ahead and saw the figure I saw in my earlier dream. She really did look familiar, but why can’t I remember her? There it is the same short and blonde haired lady. She was crying instead of running this time. I still couldn’t see her face, and I was still trying to run after her even though she just stood there and cried. I can’t reach her. I still kept running, but I still couldn’t reach her. I tried running faster. I tried reaching out, but I still couldn’t touch her. It was like she was still running but standing still. “How is this even possible?” I screamed at her. Was I even moving? “Jessi. Jessi” I heard someone say.

“Jessi” the voice said again, whilst shaking me.

I opened my eyes realizing it was just all a dream.  Why do I keep having these dreams?  As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Jake. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

“Jessi,  Are you ok?” he said with a concerned voice.  

“ yeah… Sorry if I woke you up.” I said still trying to put what is happening.

“I wasn’t sleeping, yet. You were dreaming again weren’t you?”he asked with a look of concern.

I nodded not sure if I could trust my voice.

“Is it the same one?” he asked.

I just nodded. What he did next was inimitable.  He hugged me. When I said I was surprised earlier, then I didn’t know what I was then. I couldn’t help but feel good. I felt safe in his arms. I couldn’t help but let the tears come. I didn’t even know why I was crying. I mean what was wrong with me? My life was just amazing. I was on a trip with my best friends. I had an amazing dad waiting for me to come back. I was going to college. So why was I crying?

“Shh… it’s going to be ok?” he said as he stroked my head.

I couldn’t keep my eyes opened anymore, and I slowly fell asleep like that in his arms.

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