Lost-Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lost-Chapter 27

All I could hear was a repetitive beeping sound- kinda like a heart monitor in a hospital.... My eyes fluttered open to see I was in a dim white room, turning my head to the left I saw a heart monitor. There was a IV in my left hand and I was in a gown, looking to my right and saw that someone was holding my other hand. My eyes eventually recognized Austin's wavy hair as his head was resting on the mattress upon which I was laying. I squeezed his hand gently and I heard a slight change in his breathing as he muttered a quiet "LaMaya" I repeated my actions and I felt his fingers twitch in my own. Groaning softly he lifted his head, I smiled at the way he rubbed his nose and repeatedly blinked his eyes ridding them of sleep.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I teased he did a double take and beamed at me,

"Oh my god you're awake!" He exclaimed grabbing my face and kissing it all over, he gave me one big kiss on the lips and stared at me in disbelief. "I have to go tell the others!" He whispered urgently and let go of me and ran to the door, "She's awake! Mom, Dave, Alex, she's awake!" I soon saw Austin again followed by the rest of the crew,

"Oh thank god!"

"I thought we lost you!"

"I'm so happy you're awake!"

I sat up and gave them all a look that caused them to stop their endless chatter, "How long was I out?" I asked looking at Mama once again, she sighed heavily.

"Three days." It was like a punch in the stomach,

"What's wrong with me?" A doctor walked in and answered for Mama,

"Given that you had a miscarriage your body was trying to cope and it just couldn't. That explains why you fainted, but what I don't know is if you were nauseous or light headed before hand." I nodded remembering how I leaned on the counter for stability. I watched the doctor shake his head, "That changes everything then...." He trailed leaving us all waiting expectantly. "I'm not going to be completely sure until we rerun tests, but in afraid you may have come down with a disease, a deadly one I'm afraid."

I felt the room spin and noted my heart rate speeding up on the monitor,

"Which one?" I asked hoping no one noticed,

"LaMaya, you might have brain cancer." I let out a soft "oh" and everything faded to black once again.

This time when I woke I wish I was still asleep, I looked to my right and saw Andrew of all people sitting there watching me, I found it hard to breathe and heard my heart rate pick up again.

"Hey, hey, calm down I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to look after your while everyone else went to eat." I felt my body begin to tremble, "LaMaya please, I swear I'm not going to hurt you." I shook my head at him, telling myself to calm down.

"I know I believe you. Did they run the tests?" Andrew looked at me in pure confusion, then he closed his eyes and rested his elbows on the edge of the bed.

"You've been out for a week. You don't have brain cancer, but they can't quite figure out what's wrong with you." I felt my heart sink and I sighed loudly, tears prickled at the corners of my eyes and I turned my face away from Andrew. I don't know how long we sat there in silence until Andrew said that he needed to use the restroom, I nodded and once the door closed behind him and curled up into a ball facing away from the door and sobbed. I was crying so loudly that I didn't hear the door open, nor did I notice someone climbing in the narrow hospital bed beside me. They began wrapped their arms around me and I fought them off knowing how upset Austin would be if he saw it.

"Calm down baby it's me." His voice was music to my ears and only made me cry harder, he hugged me tight to his chest and repeatedly pressed his lips against the back of my neck. Eventually I cried myself out and just laid there in Austin's arms,

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered almost in audibly,

"I don't know, but remember that I love you and nothing will ever change that." With those words ringing in my ears I fell asleep in his arms. When I woke we we're the same way and I could feel his heavy breath on the back of my neck, proving that he was sleeping. I rubbed the top of his handle until he woke, "You alright?" He asked his voice deeper than normal and scratchy I smiled to myself and nodded, he groaned sitting up. "I'll go get the others." I rolled over as he climbed out of the bed and watched him leave. I observed my room and saw it was practically bare except for the pathetic excuse of a painting on the wall in front of me.

"LaMaya!!!" I heard a familiar voice screech my head snapped to the door and I saw Alyssa, a grin covered my face and she ran to the bed smothering me in a hug. We both shed happy tears and when we finally released one another I saw that the same doctor was standing there amongst everyone else.

"Good morning Miss LaMaya! I assume you've slept well." He spoke kindly, I nodded at him wishing he's tell me some good news. "Well, you in fact do not have brain cancer! But you so have a brain tumour." I let that sink in and looked at everyone else's faces, not surprisingly they all avoided looking at me.

"Is it a deadly brain tumour?" I heard Alyssa ask quietly,

"No. Well not right now. The sooner the operation the better off LaMaya will be. The time we do the operation is up to you." I looked to Austin and he came to sit beside me on the bed, taking hold of my hand.

"How long will I be here after and what might happen to me? Medical wise that is.."

"Ah, after the operation you will only be here for 2 extra days. Normally we would keep the patient longer, but due to how long you've been asleep already I have no doubt you will rest long enough either here or at home. As far as what may happen I shall give you pills to keep your nausea to a minimum and other than that you should be fine. Due keep in mind that you are not allowed to try for another child for at least six months!" We all smiled kindly thanking him and everyone left except for Austin who pulled me into his lap and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you okay to do this, babe? You can wait of you want." I thought about then shook my head, but only slightly.

"If I don't do it now I will put it off forever." I whispered, he let out a deep breath and I closed my eyes. He hugged me closer to his body and swayed us, pressing his face into the crook of my neck.

"I love you, LaMaya."

"I love you, Austin."

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now