Chapter 2

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It took about 10 minutes to unpack all of our stuff, but we finally made it to the bonfire as the sun was staring to set over the mountains. Hannah had already gotten there and was talking to 2 guys, both with glasses and dark hair, one with longer hair than the other. " hey Hannah. did you find a cabin?" I asked her as we walked up to her. she looked at me and smiled." oh hey Lewis, yeah I did. This is Liam and John, my cabin mates." she introduced them.

" Hi I'm Simon." Simon said as he held out his hand." hey, I'm Liam." The longer haired guy said with a Scottish accent as he shook his hand. " hello there. I'm John." said the other one. " I'm Duncan. nice to meet you." Duncan said. " wait, so they let you stay in a cabin with guys? I thought that they would've had you stay in a cabin with girls." I say to Hannah. " the cabins are mixed cause they would've had a girl with guys anyway cause there are only 4 girls including me and 3 people is the limit for cabins." She replied.

" Attention campers." ridge yelled over the other campers. the area filled up quickly with people while we were talking." To start off the bonfire, I would like you all to talk with your cabin mates and create a name for your cabin. Your cabin will be addressed as the name you choose for the duration of the summer for activities that require a team." he said. me, Simon and Duncan huddled together to think.

" I've got nothing." Duncan said. " I think it should sound professional. like a business or something." I said. that's all I could think of. " I know! honeydew industries." Simon said. " why that?" Duncan asked. " honeydew is the name of my minecraft character." He said." You play minecraft?' I asked in surprise, I thought I was the only one who played minecraft here. " yeah, you problem think I'm a nerd now..." Simon said sadly." nonsense! I play it too." When I said that his face lit up with joy. " yeah I play it all the time as well." Duncan said joining in." ok. our cabin name is honeydew industries." I said. the others agreed and we joined the other campers.

" Ok, now we'll go around the circle and introduce our selfs and our cabin name.lets star with you." ridge said pointing at John. " uh, hello. I'm John and my cabin is ' P.O.C '. which uh, stands for pandas, owls, and cats." John said nervously." uh, hey there, I'm Liam and I'm also from 'P.O.C'." Liam said after him. " Hi, I'm Hannah and I'm from 'P.O.C'." Hannah said. " hey, I'm Duncan, and our cabin is ' honeydew industries' ." Duncan said calmly. " Hi there. I am Simon, founder of honeydew industries. and uh, I'm from honeydew industries." Simon said loudly. it was my turn. " uh hi, I'm Lewis from ' honeydew industries ' ." I said quickly.

" Hey there guys, I'm Paul and our cabin name is ' ' ." Said the next guy. he wore glasses and had nicely groomed hair. " hey everybody I'm chris and I'm the head of ' '. " said the next guy with a Canadian accent. " hey, I'm anya and I'm also from ' '." She said happily. " hello. I am joakim. and I am from ' black rock ' cabin." said the guy with a Swedish accent. " hey there guys! I'm zoey and this is tee, my pet dinosaur, and were from ' black rock ' too!" Said the girl excitedly , holding a pet lizard. "Uh hey there, I'm Jonathan, and I'm from ' black rock ' ." Said the guy with the much stronger Scottish accent than Liam.

" hello everybody! I'm martyn and I'm from ' inthelittlecorp '." said a cheerful blonde boy. "uh hi I'm Toby and I'm in ' inthelittlecorp ' as well." said the next guy. " hey, what's up I'm Sam. and ' inthelittlecorp ' is my cabin." said the buff guy. " hey there, I'm Kim and ' musical pumpkins ' is our cabin name." said a short girl with a totoro benie on. " uh hey, I'm Tom, and I'm in ' musical pumpkins ' , so uh yeah." said the orange hair guy." hey I'm Alex and um yeah , ' Musical pumpkins ' . " Said the last guy.

" great, no that everyone has introduced themselves, lets eat." ridge said as he handed everyone a plastic plate." Don't get too used to eating out here for dinner. we only eat from the bonfire once a week. all the other days of the week you will eat in the multi hall. that's also where indoor activities will be held, but only when it rains." ridge lifter up a cloth to reveal some raw potatoes, raw steak and a long metal stick. " everyone come grab a stick and some food and cook you dinner." ridge said as he picked up a steak a stuck it onto a stick and put it over the fire. we all went over and picked up some steaks and potatoes and started cooking.

Summer at ye old goon camp : a yogscast fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now