(14)-The Unrecognized memory (edited)

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    I wanted to visit Dipper at the hospital. The only problem was, Mabel and Dipper might still be mad at me. I know it was stupid of me to cheat on him but, I just had a feeling that I couldn't resist. So, what I'm gonna do is give him an apology and also apologize to Mabel. I just need time to think of what I am gonna say to them. I'm scared to see Mabel again because when she slapped me it left a mark that is as red as Wendy's hair, maybe redder (don't know if that's a word XD).

But, I am gonna take the risk and go check on Dipper.
    I fixed my hair and wiped stray tears from my face, after Dipper left me I went into the restroom bathroom and started sobbing my eyes out.

(ME: bILL THaT waS yOUR FauLT sTfU).

I made sure I looked presentable before walking out of the bathroom and out the restaurant. But, before I could open the door, a lady stopped me.

"Mister, you need to pay your bill and clean up your boyfriends mess." She looked like someone broke her heart, shattered it into pieces and then stomped on it.  Her mascara running down her face dried up and crusty,  her lipstick smeared and her eye shadow blurred. To put it simply, she was beyond pissed.

"Well?" She was stomping her foot on the ground trying to be patient. I handed her a $20, before muttering a light "sorry". And then, I was off I walked out the door, getting into my car, and driving to the nearest hospital.

How did I know he was in the hospital? Well, I'm a fucking dream demon. I can read peoples thoughts.

It took me a whole fucking hour and a half to get there between traffic and the receptionist and me arguing. When I finally got done arguing I started to walk to room number 503. Luckily no one was there. 'They must have left earlier.' I opened the door and Dipper was awake.

"Hey, love... im so-" He cut me off

"Who are you and why are you here?" 

"I-Im your boyfriend... Bill... don't play with me. I said I'm sorr-"

"Never heard of you, now get out before I call the doctors."
Hey guys it's TheNolanator and sorry for the delay but I will try updating Friday. Now I am just curious, what is your favorite chapter? Comment the answer and it would make my day to see that you love parts or the whole story of Kittens_are_cat story. Thank you and...... PEACE!!!


Hey it's @Kittens_are_cat and, I just waned everyone to know that I'm gonna be changing it up again, just a little though. Hope you don't mind.

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