What is life?

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Author's note : this is my first fanfiction. I don't really know what I'm doing or where I'm going with this! English is not my first language so I'm sorry for all the mistakes.


I am a typical teenage girl. I would say I'm in some sort of a cliché scene when you see a girl crying while watching a sad movie and eating ice cream because she just broke up with her boyfriend. But I'm not eating ice cream. And I'm not crying. Yes, my girlfriend just broke up with me. Am I sad? No. I saw it coming. That's when it became worse. I am a typical teenager but I have a severe depression. It all started in my first year of high school. Starting with the fact that I was gay and I had to deal with the fear to come out. Not only to my parents but to my friends. My best friend Danny was okay with it. But he had to move out of town after his dad got a new job. I was left alone. At first, we were both sad. We wanted our friendship to last but we grew appart. Our "let's keep in touch" became "hey man how are you doing?" with no answer. I was failing a lot of my classes and I had no motivation left. And then I met Chloe. We actually met online. She lived in Colombus so we were in a long distance relationship or a so called LDR. But it was more of a relationshit. We saw eachother once a month. I thought she was the love of my life! But after 4 months, I became distant. We would talk once or twice a week and fight over nothing. She came to visit and she broke up with me, saying I was not "me" anymore. Yes, I still live with my parents. And yes, my mom had to see something a mom shouldn't see. All I remember is my mom screaming and blood everywhere. When I got out of the hospital, she told me that we would move to Los Angeles. New place, new people, new me. Or I hoped so. She also told me that I would go in some sort of therapy? Something for sad people. Here I am. Waiting on a chair for someone to see me. Someone I would need to talk to. I hate it already. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall girl with brown hair. She was talking with a boy. Damn she was pretty! I was still looking at her when I Heard my name "Ally Hills?" A bald men was looking in my direction with a questionning look. "Yeah, that's me." I said as I got up. I glanced one last time at the girl but I got caught. She was looking at me. She smiled before she turned around as she kept talking with that boy.

When I got out of the room, the girl was nowhere to be seen. As I walked through the halls of the clinic, I peeked in a window and saw her with the bald men I was with 5 minutes ago. Who was she? And what were they talking about? She was only nodding her head, listening to all the words the men said. She didn't have her smile anymore. She was serious. After that, I left and went home.


I was talking with Jeffrey when I heard the door open. I didn't really paid attention since I was talking with someone but when Dr. Scott called her name, I saw her looking at me. She had those piercing green eyes and brown hair. She looked sad. Like every single person who come here the first time. After a while, Jenny, the secretary, came and told me to wait in Dr. Scott's office. I knew what it meant. Another person needed help. As I sat in the office, I looked at every pictures on the wall. Everyone had a smile on their face and there were some letters wich read "thank you so much" or "you saved my life". "You can sit Mrs. Boebi" said Dr. Scott as he entered his office. "So, we have someone new" he continued. "She seems really fragile." I stared at him and listened until he was done. "What's her name?" I asked. He looked at me and said "Ally. Ally Hills." He said seriously. "She really needs someone. Can I count on you?" He looked me dead in the eyes. "Sure!" I said. I left the office and looked around in case Ally was still here but she wasn't.

Thanks for reading! If you like the story so far, let me know and I will update as soon as I can!

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