Chapter 2

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Seth's POV

Damn, it was my first day of school and I was already late. The bell had rung a while ago and I still couldn't find my class. As I was wandering aimlessly I saw a girl walking ahead of me. I grabbed my chance.

"Hey," I yelled as I ran to catch up with her. The girl turned to look at me. She was hot, I had to give her that. But she wasn't really my type.

"What," she remarked snarkily.

I threw my hands in the air, "Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today."

The girl blushed. "I'm sorry, it's been a bad morning," she said apologetically.

I flashed her a smile, "I'll forgive you if you help me find my class."

"Sure thing," the girl said as I handed her my schedule, returning my smile.

"Oh, I'm going there right now, you're in my class," she exclaimed.

"Oh cool, I'm Seth," I said holding out my hand.

"Elizabeth, but I go by Beth," she replied shaking my hand.

"So new kid huh," she stated. I nodded.

"It's senior year, why start a new school?"

"I don't know, it was sort of a spontaneous thing, I had always wanted to live in Wisconsin and become a full time cheesehead," I replied.

"Hey, just because I live in Wisconsin doesn't mean I like cheese," Beth scoffed. I laughed and bumped my shoulder into hers. Beth laughed with me, losing her tense posture.

"Well that's our class," Beth pointed.

I opened the door with a flourish, "After you my lady."

Beth giggled and said, "I can see that chivalry is not dead."

As soon as we walked in the teacher gave us an icy glare that made me want to freeze.

"Ms. Mark, you are ten minutes late to class," the teacher snipped.

"Oh sorry, Mr. Sykes," Beth replied, "I have a pass." The teacher waved Beth off and fixed his eyes on me.

"Who are you, young man," Mr. Sykes asked. "Oh this is-" Beth started but Mr. Sykes raised his hand and said, "I believe I asked this young man, not you. Have a seat Ms. Mark."

"I'm Seth Khan and I'm-"

"Well, Mr.Khan," Mr. Sykes interrupted, "This is only a warning, since it's your first day. Please arrive to class on time in the future. The seat next to Ms. Mark is still vacant. We have begun a new topic, so there is no makeup work you need to do. You probably haven't covered this topic in your previous school."

Internally, I wanted to roll my eyes but instead I thanked Mr. Sykes, giving him a bright smile and slid into my seat. Mr. Sykes looked astounded but shook his head and began the lesson.

The new topic was derivatives. Mr. Sykes wrote a problem on the board, I copied it down and began solving it. But when I put my pencil down I realized everyone was still working so I leaned back into my chair.

Beth looked over at me wide-eyed and whispered, "How are you already done?" I shrugged my shoulders. I opened my mouth to say something to Beth when Mr. Sykes looked at me sharply and said, "Mr. Khan, why are you speaking out of turn? Oh, I know, you must be done. Care to enlighten us with the answer."

Mr. Sykes stared at me with a smug look on his face, confident I would get the answer wrong. But before I could reply the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief, saved by the bell. I thrust all my things into my bag and stumbled out of class.

I found Beth waiting for me at the door. She had a guilty look on her face. I clasped my chest and said dramatically, "I cannot believe you put me through such torture. Looks like you're in my debt again."

"Sorry," Beth said sheepishly, "I should have warned you about Mr. Sykes."

"Well, looks like you're going to have to make it up to me," I stated, "Help me with my next class, and consider yourself forgiven."

"Okay," Beth chirped looking at my schedule.

I suppose Staten High was not used to new students. By lunch time everyone was talking about me, people in the hallway pointed and whispered as I walked by. Beth led me to her table. I took a good look at the cafeteria and noticed people were checking me out. Beth noticed and said, "I guess I should just give you the low down on social life here."

"Staten High is a pretty mainstream, cliche high school. You got your airhead barbie-cheerleaders over there, the geeks, the wannabe goths, the goths..."Beth babbled on as I nodded my head to show I was listening. I unwrapped my sandwich and took a large bite. I noticed it was just me and Beth sitting at the table.

"Where's the rest of the crew," I asked Beth referring to her friends she had mentioned to me earlier.

"Kara and Sana are doing some project. And I have no idea where the boys are, they haven't texted me back yet. Sorry, I really did want you to introduce to my friends, but today is not the day," Beth answered.

"It's cool. So," I began, "What do you like to do. Play any sports?"

Beth popped a grape in her mouth and answered, "Yep, I play volleyball but it's a club team-so it's outside of school and I like photography. You?"

"I used to play some football and I like writing. Why don't you play for school?"

Beth shrugged, "I like club better. I've been playing with the same girls since I could walk, so I decided to stick with it."

I nodded my head. Then Beth nudged me, "Football player huh, should have guessed. You are very fit. But I would have never expected the writing bit."

I gave Beth a cheeky grin. "Been checking me out, have you? I don't blame you, the view's too good isn't it?"

Beth blushed, mortified and smacked my shoulder. I threw my head back and laughed, Beth was too funny. Suddenly I noticed more people turn to look at me curiously.

"I was NOT checking you out," Beth scoffed. I couldn't stop laughing.

I leaned close and wiggled my eyebrows. "It's okay sweet cheeks, I know it's hard to resist this," I said motioning towards my body.

Beth opened her mouth to protest when her phone buzzed. "Oh, Sana asked us to meet her in the art room, wanna come?"

I immediately jumped out of my seat and said, "Yeah, anything to get out of this loud place. I was starting to get a headache." In reality, I was getting uncomfortable with the stares. I tried to find the cafeteria exit but failed. But in my defense, the cafeteria was huge-much larger than the one at my old school.

Beth just stared at me amused before she finally pushed me towards the exit, laughing at me the entire time. As I was leaving the cafeteria I heard a bunch of girls saying, "Damn he's hot." I internally rolled my eyes. I hated it when girls did that. I'm not a piece of meat. 

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