Chapter 4

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Jonah POV

The whole room was spinning and blurry. I could hear the loud bursts of music and the high peals of drunken laughter. It was hot too hot but at the same time I felt so cold, so ashamed. It didn't feel right but no matter what I did I couldn't move. I screamed for help but no one came. There were so many people but no one came.

Why was no one helping me? I wanted it to stop. To stop. To stop. Stop!

I woke up with a start. I couldn't recognize where I was. Everything was so dark and I couldn't feel my bed. The moonlight coming from behind the translucent curtains highlighted the plaid yellow walls in the living room. The coffee table was littered with dad's mail as usual, the clumps of envelopes messily organized in a system only dad understood. But I couldn't understand how I had ended up here; I had fallen asleep in my bed, that I was sure of.

My knees buckled and I fell back onto the couch nearly sitting on top of Mel's homework. Melissa's project! Oh shit! I had told her that I would help and then I completely forgot. Not only did I fail as a son I was a shitty brother too. No wonder everyone hates me. I had to make it up to Mel.

The clock read two o'clock but that was okay because school started at 7:30, meaning I had about five hours to work on Mel's project. She was building a 3-D replica of a cell. I think she picked a eukaryotic plant cell to base her model off of. It's a good thing I was taking AP Biology this year, at least I could be useful for Mel's project.

I saw that Mel had already carved out the parts of her cell from foam blocks. But she wanted me to help her spray paint them. I smiled when I saw her neat, meticulous notes which specified what color each part of the cell should be.

I brought out all the spray painting supplies to the backyard, being extra careful carrying the delicately carved cell parts. Mel did an amazing job, everything looked so realistic. I vowed to make this project amazing for her, it was least I could do.

The sky turned an orange hue by the time I was done and the paint had dried. I was covered by paint from head to toe. The dried paint was now flaking off my skin. It was disgusting almost like--no--I shook my head. I needed to run, I needed to run so bad. But I couldn't, I wasn't allowed to. It was 6:45 and I needed to leave the house the by 7 if I was going to make it in time for school.

"Jonah", a small voice called. I jumped turning as fast as I could to see who it was. I breathed out a sigh, it was just Mel. She was in her pjs, wrinkled from sleep and tiredly rubbing her eyes.

"Jonah why do you look like a walking rainbow man?"

"Take a look Melly."

Mel's mouth opened in surprise. "Is that...?" I nodded in confirmation and stepped to the side so she could get a better look at her project.

Mel was beaming as she took in the scene before her. And then she was running towards me arms outstretched.

"Wait Mel, I'm covered in paint. You'll get it on"--

---"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I thought you forgot all about my project," Mel interrupted excitedly. Her small, warm body embraced mine as I looked into her bright, excited eyes and I didn't have the heart to push her away from me.

Suddenly it was worth it. I didn't care about not being able to run or even the messy, disgusting-feeling paint. Seeing Mel happy was worth it.

"Of course I remember about your project. After all you are my favorite sister!" I said smiling.

Mel laughed, "I'm your only sister silly."

"I know. That's why you're my favorite sibling."

"But I'm your only sibl--hey, hey stop that!" Mel shrieked as ruffled her hair messing it.

"Well that's what you get you smart aleck!"

"Noo," she laughed up as she tried to squirm away.

"Alright, but only if you say that I'm the best brother in the world!"

"Ok, ok yourthebestbrotherintheworld," Mel barely huffed out in between laughs.

"Yep," I grinned, " and you better not forget it!"

"But you can't forget either Jonah."

Huh, I was confused so I tried to make a joke out of it. "Of course not, how can I ever forget how cool I am."

But Melissa didn't laugh instead she said, "No I'm serious. Jonah you are the best brother ever, and the nicest person in the whole world. No matter what Daddy says,he and I love you still and I will protect you ok? So don't be sad anymore."

I didn't know what to say. One tear leaked down my cheek and Mel tenderly wiped it away and just hugged me.

My little ten year old sister was promising to to protect me. I couldn't understand how she had been able to see what everyone else failed to see. I didn't need to run today. Suddenly I felt happy, content and the feeling was so unfamiliar it was almost uncomfortable but I embraced it even if it was just for a moment.

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