Chapter 2: Million Years Ago

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About a week later Aaron had almost convinced himself that his encounter with Elena was a dream. But Aaron couldn't stop thinking about her offer. Aaron could only imagine the pain he would have to go through to pull off something so absurd.

Aaron was taking out the trash one day when he heard a crunch of gravel behind him. Aaron froze and slowly turned to face the person.

"Hey," Elena said rubbing her hands against her pants nervously while shifting her weight from foot to foot.

"Hey," Aaron said copying her greeting, or what he supposed was a greeting.

"Do you still want to see Artime?"

Aaron hesitated the girl was back on her promise. So, it hadn't been a dream after all, but that still didn't mean he should run off on this flying girl back or something.

"They won't notice your gone. I...uh... I can make them forget that you are out here, if you want," Elena added nervously.

"You really want me to do this, don't you?" Aaron asked before he could stop himself.

Elena stopped fidgeting and studied Aaron closely, "I need someone to understand and a person who knows how to lead and move on,"

"And you think I'm that person?" Aaron asked.

"It was either you or your brother, but I needed someone who had a clean slate. It's just Alex has more reporting's then you and I need someone who can get on the good side of your 'High Priest'." Elena said very quickly.

Aaron just stared at Elena. She had looked calm and collected when they first met. Like she knew what was going to happen before it happened. But now she was a nervous wreck, and was practically begging for his help. He was just a little kid; how could he help Elena who could practically do anything she wanted. She was free of this place. Why would she want to help?

"I'll check it out," Aaron finally said. Elena's face lit up and Aaron knew he did the right thing.

"Come here. I'll hold you like this," She said wrapping her arms around his chest, "Your legs will be dangling, but once we pick up speed your legs will fly back." Elena informed him, "Rule number 1, no kicking, Rule number 2, no biting,"

Aaron shot her a puzzled look.

Elena shrugged, "It's been done before. Rule number 3, no screaming until we're out of Quill, but since this is your first time I will cover your mouth until we are cruising."

"Okay," Aaron said uneasily, "Does it hurt?"

"Not at all. The altitude might be a problem, but we shouldn't be flying to high," Elena explained thoughtfully.

Aaron nodded trying to make sense of what she was saying.

She let go of him. "Okay now follow me. Quietly, don't let anyone see you." Elena whispered taking his hand and pulling him towards the wall that surrounded Quill. They ran as fast as they could without looking like complete idiots. Aaron did his best to not trip over his feet and keep up with Elena. As soon as they made it to the wall Aaron leaned against it exhausted. He had never run that far in his life. Elena didn't look winded at all and Aaron stared at her in wonder. She placed her palm against the wall and all the sudden the stone moved revealing a secret passageway.

"Woah," Aaron gasped.

Elena grinned at him winking. She ushered him outside. Aaron stared in ah at his surroundings that he didn't notice Elena come up behind him and wrap her arms around his chest.

"On the count of three," Elena said tightening her grip on Aaron. Aaron looked startled and then realized that he was supposed to prepare himself for flight.

"One," she jumped high in the air and unfolded her wings to their full glory.

Then they were falling and Aaron screamed.

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