Salex, Cye, sily, Cary, And Cyder- Who wears the pants in the relationship?

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Sadie: Sily is Sadie x Lily
And She's my gorgeous wifey!

Carson: Cary is Carson x Cory.
He's my Amazing boyfriend

Colin: Cye is Colin x Rye
He's meh fiancée

Sam: Salex is Sam x Alex
And as of today he is my fiancée *blushes*

Ryder: Cyder is me and Cody. Who's here! *glomps*

Cody: *grins and hugs him*

Carson: Okay guys answer the question!

Sadie: Hmmm.... I don't really know....but if we're being literal, Lily.
I wear bootay shorts all daaayyyyy

Colin: Ryely. Defiantly Ryely.
Seeing how I'm a child and can't do anything myself. Well, that and he's hot in skinny jeans. So...

Carson: Ummmm......Im going to say Cory for ours.
Just cause Im a huge child at heart so I'm more like 6 than 13

Ryder: Niether. we don't wear pants often!
Most of the time we're naked.

Sadie: *bursts into laughter*

Cody: *blushes and whines*
Ryyyydderrrrrr they didn't need to know thaaatttt~

Alex: Sam.
Sam: Alex.
Both: *looks at each other and laughs*

Carson: Alright guys! It's like 32 minutes after midnight so.
Comment and stuff if you want.

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