Chapter 28: Missing, Again.

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"They went that way!" Drake yelled, pointing in their direction. The officers rushed behind them.
But Jacob knew it was already too late.
They were gone.
Missing, again.

Keira exchanged a sad smile, with him.
Thats all. No words, to explain what they felt or had seen.

"You saw him." Drake declared, not even looking at them. His expression was stern, and his pink lips pressed together in a tight line.
No one said a word.

"You let him go." He said, further. His fists curled up again. He was fuming. Again, no reply.

"I don't know what you to are up to, but I swear I will find out!" He said through gritted teeth, facing them. Jacob found himself raising his eyebrows as if amused, and Keira had folded her arms as if to challenge him.
No words.
But the picture spoke a thousand words.

"I will find him. And I will figure this out." Drake growled, in a low voice. Then he smiled, as if he had made his mark.
But Keira wasn't that far away.

"Good. Because if you don't, I'm afraid your job is in our hands." Then she gave him, one of her signature Keira-has-slammed-you smiles.
Drake's smile faltered into a grimace.

Drake distracted himself by shouting things into his walkie talkie. Jacob looked at Keira, who still shot daggers at Drake.

"Well," Jacob teased. "Whatever little 'infatuation' he had for you yesterday, must have fizzled out pretty quick."

Keira punched his arm lightly, and replied, "Good for you, isn't it, old man?"

After a slight chuckle, both their faces fell grim, as they replayed the memory in their head. Damon, he thought, what has happened? What you have to go through...

"The girl." Jacob murmured suddenly.

"She looked just like.." Keira nodded, grimly.

"Jade." They accepted together.

"But not completely.." Keira wondered out loud.

"But the way she looked at us. It was the same. I know that girl's look." He noted, stressing his head for more details.
"But Damon, Keira..." He ended up saying, his voice cracking.

"She.." Keira's hands flew to her mouth. There were angry tears in her eyes.
"She drugged him."

"Like what had happened before, wasn't enough." He mumbled, closing his eyes. His son didn't deserve this.

"I can't imagine what Fate has in mind." Keira said, shaking her head.

"Oh I know." Jacob said in a low voice. His face composed itself to look like the Devil's. Keira gave him an amused, yet worried look. "What?" She asked.

"The Waters have some explaining to do." He stated, heading towards Drake.

"Jacob, no. There's no point. They-" Keira argued.

"Yeah I know, they lie. But so can we." He grinned, and then tapped Drake on his shoulder. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at Jacob.

"We are leaving. You can try chasing them, and miss them again. We're leaving." Jacob declared, grabbing Keira's arm and walking away.
He saw Keira grin at Drake, and blow him a kiss. The way his face puckered, Jacob knew Drake couldn't believe Keira's charm either.
Deal with it, Jacob thought.

The flight back home seemed very short. Jacob spent the time trying to interpret the Waters' lies and what questions to ask them.
"Calm down." His wife placed her hand on his arm.
"Yeah. I know, I know." He muttered, trying to convince himself.
He felt his thoughts whir like the plane, when it touched down.

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