Chapter 34 : How It All Began

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I couldn't bring myself to look at that place again.
The voices haunted me, trying to drag me back to that night.
I wouldn't let them.
I was stronger, stronger than anyone and everyone.

"I can't." I declared. She didn't reply. I looked at her, only to see her lost in thought. She was staring at the house too, her face pale and lips pressed together.
She didn't blink for a lot of time.

" can't." She said, her voice low and airy. "But you have to. You know you do."

"No." I looked away. She grabbed my face, and made me look at her. Her eyes were glistening too, but she was being strong.

"You have to tell me what happened that night. Please." She closed her eyes, and let me go. "Please.."

No one spoke for a lot of time. The chirping crickets creeped me out. The cold breeze just added to the misery. I closed my eyes.
Breathe Damon.
Let it out.

"It was the night of February the 13th." I began, gulping. I wasn't sure how I was gonna say it. So I decided to slip into the moment. Relive the torture, maybe then she would understand.
I closed my eyes, and let the voices and images absorb me.

We headed inside the old place, watching our backs. And on the way, I thought I heard Lauren tell herself repeatedly, "I have to do this."
But I knew she was psycho, so I paid no attention to her.
The place from inside looked just like an antique, wooden dollhouse. Except the fact that it was missing furniture. As for dolls, we could classify I guess.
It was pretty dark inside, as we walked through hallways. But from the bit of the moonlight that shone through, I could tell there were a lot of spiderwebs and planks of wood in here.
Was this some test? Was my only logical explanation to being here.
When we seemed to get to a big room, I heard a click. A lone bulb flickered on, hanging in the middle of the room. Below that bulb, lay a simple wooden chair.
It looked like the carpenter had created a torture machine, because I saw splinters everywhere..and probably even some blood.

"Did a rat die on that or something?!" I mumbled, gritting my teeth and backing away.

"Probably," came Jennifer's reply, who finally stepped out from the shadows. Then looking at the chair, she ordered, "Sit."

"Who, me??" I scowled, backing away further. She rolled her eyes, and dragged me towards the chair and made me sit.

"Why are we here? What's-" I demanded answers.

"Tut tut!" She shushed me. "Sit, Damon."
She had the tone of a boss..which she was. And since I was used to it, I followed her orders.
I felt the chair prickle me everywhere my body touched it. But I knew complaining wouldn't help. So I decided to handle the situation smartly. I had to be smooth and fast.

"Jennifer," I began softly. "What exactly are we here to discuss?"

"Your fate, Damon. Your fate." Her voice dripped off bitterly. I gulped involuntarily. I knew Jennifer well enough to know what she was capable of, so I had to be careful.

"What did I do?" I blinked, taking a breath. What this time according to you, was more like it. But I didn't dare say it.

"What didn't you do?" Lauren yelled back. I had almost forgotten she was there, till now. Her pale face was flushed, and her blonde hair lay in messy waves across her shoulders. She was one to care a lot about her why she was like this? It worried me. As did a lot of other things.

"You tell me." I sneered at her, folding my arms. I was about to get up, frustrated, but then Jennifer made me sit back down. Then she went up to Lauren, and put an arm around her. I could only gape. Jennifer getting close to someone?! And her?!
Jennifer Stowe brutally swept aside the likes of Lauren.
What the hell was happening?

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