Chapter two- catching up

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Mia's Prov
So it's the end of the day, 3:00pm and I'm walking and talking to Ethan since we live on the same street how lucky is he until his phone rings

Ethan's mum -M Ethan-E
M-Hey Ethan
E-Hey mum, oh mum guess who is back
E-Mia and her family, and they life on the same street as us
M- oh wow that's great to hear I'm gonna have to catch up with her mum
E- Yeah and Tahlia will be so happy when she finds out
M- about that can you give the phone to Mia?
E- okay
(Passes the phone to Mia that was right next to him)
Mia-Mia Ethan's mum-M
Mia-hey Mrs Karpathy
M-Hey darl how are you?
Mia-I'm great thanks, you?
M-I'm great thank god, look I'm at the hospital right now it's a long story Tahlia is sick could Ethan stay at your house for the night or maybe longer?
Mia- sure tell Tahlia I said hi and hope she gets well soon
M-Sure thank you very much, bye love

(Sorry the convo was so long)

"So what happened" Ethan says I reply with "long story short your sleeping over my house so I can babysit you" which he was pretty happy about so we walk to his house so he can get some cloths then walk to my house.

We walked across the road cause my house was across the road from Ethan's house. His eyes widen when he finds out it's my house idk so I ask "what's up etho?" "This is the best house on the street!" He said so I said back "then I guess we will have heaps of fun tonight aye" with a wink.

My house is quiet because my mum is at work, my brother wanted to stay in The US for a little longer and well my parents are divorced so I never saw my dad. Ethan doesn't even bother to ask where my family is instead he races to my room and jumps on the bed and lays there for 2 solid minutes till I ofer him so pizza cause I know he loves pizza.

After pizza we get changed and just decide to catch up. He asked me about my love life which wasn't surprising cause I never dated boys at my old school because they where too clingy even though we weren't even dating but he found that hard to believe so I swore to my life then he believed me. Then I asked him about his love life and he was talking about how he didn't date that much girls which I found hard to believe cause just look at him he probably got all the girls. But he actually didn't he dated like 2 girls and Charlotte wasn't one of them so I was confused so I asked him about Charlotte and so he told me about how he never dated her his friend liked charlottes friend Zoe and the only way Zoe would date his friend is if Ethan went bahahaah sad life and ever since she thinks they are dating.

Then we decided to watch Netflix on the TV instead of the laptop cause our TV was HUGE. half an hour into the movie Ethan stops the movie and starts talking.

Ethan-E Mia-M
M-Oi I was watching that
E- I know I just wanted to ask you something
M-okay ask away
E-so I'm in this boy band called in stereo and we are having an after party since we just came back from tour and I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me"
M-aww wow is the famous singer asking me out on a ... Date? (I say whilst smirking)
E- yeah I guess so
M- isn't your fan girls gonna kill me ?
E-haha probably
M- well I'll have to check on my calendar cos a few boys have asked me so yeah
E-aww really?
M-bahahaah no even if so I would ditch them any day for you,Karpathy your still so galeble
E- oh good for a second I thought I had to bash someone up (whilst laughing)
M- you jealous one now can you please put the movie on its just started to get interesting

So we go to bed at 9:30pm cause we had school he wanted to sleep in my bed cause we weren't finished painting and decorating the guest room so yeah and same with my brothers room so yeah for some reason it wasn't awkward sleeping in the same bed as him since I'd known him all my life. I was almost officially asleep until I hear Ethan whisper "night beautiful" Aww cutie he thought I was sleeping so I reply "night hottie".

Hey guys I'm gonna post everyday if you have anything a you want me to include to this book comment it down Ive decided I was gonna do long chapter cause I like them better in gonna introduce more characters I'm the next chapter and I'll make some Ethan provs aswell xx

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