Chapter 8- Can this day get and worse

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Mia's P.O.V

When I arrived home I got a lecture from both my parents, not going to lie it kind of felt good. It was the first time in ages that they both agreed on something. Long story short I got grounded for god knows how long, no Tv for me and I have to hand my phone in when I get home. I save my breathe and just say yes then I walk upstairs to my room. There really wasn't anything to do without technology plus I didn't have homework so I just got ready for bed.

I wake up for school, get ready then go to school then I'm off, I refused to say goodbye to that family of mine. Sometimes I just feel like they don't love me. Well my mum was always at work and never put in effort to hang out with me, brother and I used to be really close and my dad wasn't around enough but then again he does live across the world. Anyways I get to school and go to the office to get my new time table. The bell rings for first period and I walk to the classroom. When I get there I see Jayden I smile at him then I go to the teachers desk she assigned me to sit next to a girl that seemed quite nice. When the bell rings Jayden catches up to me and starts a convo

"Hello there Mia"


How's your day been so far"

"Alright I just miss my other class"

Ethan's P.O.V

the bell rings and I'm walking to meet up with Mia till I see her talking to Jayden. She see's me then walks towards me.

"what's up etho"

"hey mimi, do you know who that is?"

"yeah, its Jayden why?"

"Jayden Growth... the guy you hate"

"I had a feeling I knew him from somewhere, but why do I hate him?"

"He was the one the bullied you all throughout primary"

"I thought I'd recognised him, anyways cya Etho"

"Bye Mimi"

Then she walks towards him again I wonder is she's gonna forgive him or if she'll go off at him. I have a bad feeling about him, he just seems really sketchy. I just know he's up to something I don't know what.. yet. I can't lose Mia to him I just can't.

Jayden's P.O.V

Mia is currently talking to Ethan, I just hope he doesn't ruin it for me. she's so hot but not hot enough to be in a relationship, yep I am a player I can't help it, it's just a part of me. I have a feeling Ethan has feelings for her but too bad. he can have her after I'm done with her. She walks back to me and I ask her

"hey Mia do you wanna go bowling with me tonight"

"So you can bully me again?"

"What are you talking about, what did Ethan tell you"

"Oh nothing he only reminded me that you made my life a living hell"

"I'm sorry Mia it was so long ago, I only acted that way because I really liked you"

"What a great way you have of showing it"

While walking off, looks like I'm going to have to put in more effort with this one.

*After school *

Mia's P.O.V

I meet up with Ethan so we can walk home, I see him talking to this girl she looks familiar, it was one of Charlottes minions. It didn't look like he was telling her off, no it looked more like him comforting her, how sweet is he. When he was finished he walked towards me looking concerned.

"Hey Etho what's wrong?, you look worried"

"Oh it's nothing. Shall we start walking?"

That was weird it was obvious that something was bothering him, but why didn't he just tell me?. The walk home was quiet, when I tried to make conversation he'd either give a dull answer or be completely zoned out. We finally reached home and I just waved goodbye and crossed the road. When I entered the house my whole family plus a random lady and a teenage boy was in my living room. I looked at my family confused, what it going on.

"Hey darling come take a seat we have something to tell you"

"What's going on?"

"Honey I don't know how to tell you so I'll just say it it's about why your father and I got divorced"

"You guys told us it was lost feelings"

"That was just a cover up, the real reason was because you father had a 15 year old son, when I had found out about him and his mother I wanted nothing to do with him"

"Wait what? You and dad were married 15 years ago, does that mean he cheated? I have a brother that I didn't know about? What didn't you just tell us that"

"I know you have lots of questions honey and I'll answer them later, your father just wanted you to know before he left"

I gave my dad a look of betrayal for a good 5 seconds before my eyes began balling, i couldn't take it. I open the front door and start running. To where? I didn't know myself I just couldn't be near my family. I eventually stop, out of breathe trying to catch my breathe again, when I start balling my eyes out again and collapse to the grass. I felt numb inside and out. The only person in my family that really understood me has been lying to his whole family for 15 consecutive years. I don't know how I'll ever get past this.

Jayden's P.O.V

I was walking to a Linda's house because she wanted to get freaky if you know what I mean, till I see Mia on the floor balling her eyes out, for a second there I wanted to pretend I didn't see her there but then I remembered. She hated me. I walk up behind her "Mia are you okay?" I say, she turns around and looks at me then ignores me but starts sobbing.

"Look Mia I know you don't exactly like me but I am genuinely concerned  and I'm awfully sorry about what I did"

"I'm fine but thanks anyways" In between sobs

"Okay you don't have to tell me what's wrong just promise me you'll get up and be on your way home"

Sighs "fine I promise"

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No I'll be fine but thanks, it means a lot to me"

"It's fine, well I better be off and so should you it's getting quite late"

After that I felt quite hesitant to go to Linda's, I felt bad for leaving her on her own. But then again I only think she's hot why should I care.

Mia's P.O.V

The walk back home took forever but I eventually got there, when I got home I went straight to my room even though they were all sitting there like I never left. When to my room I flopped on my bed and dosed off.

I haven't updated in 2 years
I know no one reads this but I wanted to just finish the story once and for all
As you can see from my first seven chapters this one is written way better
Although there is room for improvement
Thank you for those who ARE reading this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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