p. 1 - B is for...

35 1 1

Alrighty! Let us begin!

So, Christians. Yep, an image of a prude person holding a bible comes in almost everyone's mind at most, but we're really more than that.

I am talking about Born Agains. Especially the youth.

Where to start! Haha, maybe some of you here have already seen some Youth Born-Again peeps. I am one of them actually. For someone who hasn't seen churches like ours, especially people here in our country, Philippines, since it's a Catholic-borne country, say that Church is 'boring'

B- Bummed-out organ music

O- Overrated traditions

R- Repeated (boring) prayers

I- Irritating Christian neighbors who show at your doorstep

N - Nuns are prude girls' fates

G - God not hearing prayers

Well, I am here to discuss the first sentence of these cliche' church labels! Seesh, if being called a 'nigga' hurts or insults dark-skinned (beautiful af) people, just imagine the hurt WE Christians get.

'Freak?' Ouch.

✝ First Things First (no Iggy, go away) ✝

Okay first of all, everyone, and I mean, everyone who believes in the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) are Christians. Technically, a lot of people misunderstand that Catholics and Christians are different.

Uh no.

1.) CHRISTIANS are the believers of the Trinity, and followers of Jesus Christ (the Saviour, the one who stole me heart)

2.) CATHOLIC is a branch of Christianity that worships the statues (which for me, sorry, is not okay), prays the rosary, does repeated prayers, etc. 

(And pls don't confuse Christians for fans of any celebrity named Christian, whoever than fanbase is.)

Now what I am about to refer to are Born-Agains

Uh no, we didn't crawl back in to our mother's womb (even if it were physically possible, ouch) and come back out which could cause extreme peril to our mother's body.

Srsly, God already gave women that temporary, pain, do you think he's going to make FULL grown children go back...

*gulp* ...THERE?!?!

Haha, anyways, Born Again people are those who entirely believe that salvation is only through Christ alone and not by works, and yes those people who raise their hands and cry while a Christian band performs.

Hence the mascara-ruining tradition. *hides mascara*

And we don't use statues or repeated prayers. But that explanation is another facts for another time.

ANYWHO, here is the first overrated labels given to us:


*cue Mr. Bean scene where they sing 'Hallelujah'*


Ah yes, the slow organ music of CATHOLICS. Confused to be associated with Born Agains too.

See, I have nothing against Catholic Music. Yes I admit, I don't like their songs. But let me put it this way.

If you're deeply in love with someone, be it a guy or girl, if they sing a guitar-only song, or an extravagant drum-pad made song for you, would it matter? 

Because you are deeply in love with the person serenading you (or probably waking the entire neighborhood with all that dubstep music wrecking their ears) the style of how they sung for you won't matter! All that matters is that they sang in worship of you.

The same goes with God.

He don't care if it's slow or fast. He looks at the heart while in worship of him. Be your voice broken, high pitched, off-tune, Whitney Houston af, he doesn't care. 


Listen to Hillsong United's latest album, Empires. You won't hear any slow organs, or Mr. Bean's echoey voice proudly singing 'Hallelujah'!!! 

Hipsters beware! It has some hipster beats! 

And don't you think we're prude. WE PARTY TOO!



Hahah, I promise you, youth Praise and Worship (a short or long segment dedicated to singing songs for the Lord) is fun! Ugghhh, I miss it already! The beat, the passion, the lyrics!

We Born Again youth know how to use our energy too!

It's really like a rave party! Although the mascara ruining songs are still there, and nothing about 'drugs, sex, or immortality' is quoted, I can tell you, nothing feels so alive for us than real Worship Raves. 

But it doesn't mean we entirely focus on the fun of it. We're just so passionate and energetic for the Lord that we tend to jump around and party for him.

(No drinking tho. Sorry.)

*sarcastic voice* aaaand they say Christian Music is all boring!

No matter what is your Christian Music taste, know that the Heart of Worship is God alone. And that it doesn't matter to him what style you worship him, so get out there and worship him with your whole heart into it, and it's going to be a worthwhile one!

Though, avoid eating candy in Catholic Churches. You might get caught and end up putting it in a place you'll regret.


✝ What are YOUR favorite Christian Electronic Dance Music? :) COMMENT BELOW SO I CAN LISTEN TO THEM TOO!

- Nadine -

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