55- how jack wrote the universe

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55- how jack wrote the universe

Well, aren't you the stubborn one?

I'll show you a part of it soon. Don't worry about that.

There's something off about my boyfriend. He's acting weird and I really want to ask him what it is but I'm refraining from asking him because he might be in the FBI for all I know. I don't want to seem like a clingy girlfriend and he's probably just stressed about his book because he's trying to get it published. Yeah, that's probably it.

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author's note

The book is technically not a published book but is good enough to be one. ;) Happy Birthday, Aris! <3 Hope you have a good one. :) Oh, and guys, we crossed 900!!!! Can we get to 1K in a week maybe? :P Okay, thanks. xD Oh, and Aris, this is not the only thing. :P

Anna :)

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