Shorty Chapterrrrr

217 4 7

BTW GUYS all of Airie's thoughts are now in Italics.

"Anyways, Sarah. Can you please stay here with Brec. I need to talk to Airie about something." he continued, shooting me a pointed glance, filled with a weird emotion.

"What no why-" Nate grabbed me by the hand and yanked me into the closest room. Brec's bedroom.

"Can people stop cutting me off! And let me finish a sentence! Seriously though-" I was once again interrupted by the sound of a door slamming shut and being thrust into darkness.

Why is he acting so weird? And what's so important that it can't wait till later on, because in all honesty, Nate's hot breath breathing down my back was becoming slightly unnerving and making me flustered. 



"What?!" I snapped. 

'Please god. Please make him step away. Its doing weird thing to my bodies. Wait a second what's my hand doing?! Stop it! STOP IT!'  I shrieked internally at my hand as it grabbed his from  the behind. 

I'm telling you, my hand feels possessed! 

I flinched as my hand held onto his for a second too long and pushed it off my waist. Ahh thats all it was doing, simple pushing his hand off me. Not actually holding it.

Though I'd like that very, very much.

God, now my brain is possesed.

"I really don't think you should hang around Brent." He whispered into my ears, causing my hairs to stick up. 

"And why is that?" I asked, bravely, trying to ignore his hand that was obliviously tracing circles around my back and causing tingles of pleasure race through my body. Great his hands were back on my body! 

'Airie. You have been caught and arrested for 'Guilty Pleasure'!'

"Because, he's my mate. And my mates don't go out with the likes of you!" He whispered and chuckled. I felt myself getting more and more irritated, with every single word of his.

"Don't you freaking tell me who I can and can't go out with! Besides he isn't interested in me!" I growled, ferociously into his ear.

"Who said I was talking about going out? I merely said 'hang out' why freak...thought you could actually qualify to go out with him?"

"No?! I just-"

I was cut off as he placed a finger on my lips and forcefully turned me around to face him. I stifled a gasp when I realised just how close to him I was. It was pretty dark inside the room, so I couldn't see him too well. But, I could still make out his wellbuilt figure and forest green eyes.

"I just what?" He continued. Oh my god. Step away from me! His hand was casually flicked around my waist and continued to draw lazy circles on my back. His surprisingly soft looking lips were just mere inches away from mine. I had to fight against my unusual urge to kiss him.

"Nothing! Just why the hell can't you let me be?! I mean because of you I had that accident in the club yesterday, because of you i'm stuck looking like a freaking monster. Not that I didn't look like one before! Because of you this trip is being ruined for me! Because of you the whole school thinks I'm some desperate idiot who is after you! AND because of you, EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG!" I screamed into his ears. My anger was was burning up my skin. I felt like sparks were flying off my body, literally. I really hate him. 

As I seethed, I kept my eyes trained on him. 

Un-freaking believable. He still looks...amused?

What the hell.

"First of all... That accident happened because of you." He murmured and took a step closer to me, causing me to take a step backwards.

"I didn't ruin this trip. You did it by being with Brec. It was all you." He smiled and took another step towards me, I backed away against a wall, feeling surrounded by his proximity.

"And everything isn't going wrong because of me. Because...I am what's right for you." He murmured huskily and before I knew it he pinned me to the wall, with one hand and the other hand grabbing my waist.

"EXCUSE ME?! You are the one who f******* treated me like s**** at school! You are the one who-"

"You know what I like you better when your  quiet." He cut me off and chuckled.


And thats when his lips crashed down onto mine.

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