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"Scooott?!", Mitch called angrily from the kitchen. He was sick of always being the one of them who had to cook dinner. Damn, he wanted more freedom cause he wasn't Scott's freaking servant!

"Yeah, Mitchie Moo?", Scott answered, obviously oblivious to Mitch's anger. He was sitting on the couch in front of the television, his stomach grumbling. If only he could cook...

"I can hear your stomach grumbling from here so if you want food you better come to the kitchen and help me!"

Scott stoop up and walked to the kitchen lazily. He knew that Mitch was not nearly long enough in the kitchen to be finished with cooking, but what he saw when he entered the kitchen was WORST CASE scenario.

There was absolutely NOTHING done, just raw food sitting on the counter. And it wasn't even REAL food, it was VEGETABLES. RAW vegetables. For Scott, it couldn't get any worse.

"Ehhm, Mitch, what exactly is this?", Scott asked carefully.

"This is food, Scott. HEALTHY food. And it needs to be cooked. And - because I am such a nice person - I am going to help YOU cooking it."

"Sorry, what? I think I missed the last part."

"I'm going to help you cooking the vegetables."

"No way. Mitch, you know I love you to death, but you can't be fucking serious about that." Scott was fumbling with his fingers nervously.

"Nope", Mitch said, popping the 'p', "I am tired of serving you like that every damn evening. Cook your own food."

"But Mitch, I don't even know how to break an egg! How am I supposed to cook without getting us killed?!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you. Here, grab the paprika and slice it like this."

Mitch began slicing the paprika and then gave it to Scott.

"Do it like this. The slices should be approximately six inches long, if they have different sizes you can't cook them properly."

"That looks so hard already."

"First, I want points for not making a 'hard' joke, and second, there's nothing hard about it! It's as easy as building sandcastles."

"First, you little perv, and second, I am SO bad at building sandcastles."

"Just listen to daddy's lessons and nothing will go wrong", Mitch said with a smirk.

Scott attempted to slice the paprika, but after that comment he found himself looking at Mitch more often than looking at the boring paprika.

"Scott! Pay attention to what you're doing! Don't hurt yourself!"

"But I rather look at you", Scott admitted frowning.

"But you need to learn how to COOK."

"Can't I just find myself a boyfriend that cooks for me?"

"No, because that special BOYFRIEND is sick of always cooking and if you don't LEARN how to cook, I will get you into LOVE DROUGHT"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No. Dead serious. No love for you until you can cook."

"God, what have I gotten myself into... I'm not even hungry anymore!"

"Why are you so complicated? Everything would be easier if you could just-"

But Mitch was interrupted by a pair of lips touching his. Scott's pair of lips to be exact.

"What the hell, Scott?! I just told you I want you to- okay, forget about that, I don't care if you can cook anymore", and again their lips touched.

The kiss grew more intense and Mitch pressed against Scott, searching for as much body contact as possible and moaning in the process.

"Damn, Scott, daddy wants you all night"

Scott smirked when Mitch took of his shirt.

"Much forward tonight, aren't we?"


"But... When I think about it... You were right, I should really learn to cook."

Scott turned away from Mitch and went to slice the paprika again.

"Are you kidding me right now?! Scott!"

"You'll hold up, don't worry. I mean, you wanted me to cook, so that's what I'm doing right now."

"I hate you right now. Seriously, are you in battle formation right now?"

Scott turned to Mitch again and took his face into his hands.

"Yes, because I pray you catch me making a mistake in my repulse and then attack me mercilessly."

And with that they continued where they stopped.

Afterwards, laying breathlessly in Mitch's bed, Scott turned to Mitch again.



"We should order in."

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