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It was a sunny evening at the beach.

Tyler and Scott were sitting on a blanket, food surrounding them. Scott was telling Tyler a funny story about touring when he noticed that Tyler wasn't listening to him. Tyler's were eyes focused on nothing, he seemed lost in thoughts.

"Tyler?", Scott said with worry.

Tyler turned to face him. "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay? You seem a little... absent. And you're so quiet."

"I'm fine, I was just thinking... Do you think I am..."


"... Weird? Or strange? No, Troye, you are perfectly fine", Mitch said.

Troye and Mitch were eating strawberries while having a wine night at Troye's apartment at the same time Scott was at the beach with Tyler.

"Why are you asking? Do you think you are not normal?"

Troye shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

"No, I'm just... How do I say this... Worried how I might seem to others, you know?"

Mitch gasped.
"Waaaiiit, is this about a boy?"

Troye blushed.

"I knew it! Who is it? No, wait, don't say anything, is it ..."


"... Troye?"

Tyler blushed even more.

"Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!", Scott exclaimed.

"He doesn't know, does he? You have to tell him, Tyler!"

"What?! No, I am SO not going to tell him! He's my best friend, I spent my whole youth with him! I am NOT going to destroy that!"


"But you have to see the positive, too! I think you two are total fools for not trying a relationship sooner", Mitch tried to convince Troye. He was getting frustrated. And Troye was getting desperate.

"Don't say that! Just because Scömíche is working doesn't mean Troyler is working as well! And I don't even know if he likes me this way!"

"Even more important for you to tell him how you feel, girl, I'm more than sure that he is into you."

That made Troye think. Mitch thought Tyler was into Troye?

"But... I'm just a lost boy. Why would he want me?"


"I could list a hundred reasons", Scott said confidently, "but I think that is Troye's job."

"I can't believe that", Tyler mumbled, "after all these years! This is too good to be true."

Scott patted his back and grabbed himself another sandwich.

"And what do you do now? You clearly can't sit around and do nothing, now that you finally know."

"But I can't just walk to his apartment and say 'hi, you know what, I'm in love with you, and I know you are too'! I mean- of course I'd do everything for him but- I just don't know how to handle this!"


"Troye, I have an idea. And know this might sound cliché but I think it's pretty cool."

When Mitch explained Troye his idea, Troye's smile got wider and wider.

By the time Mitch finished his explanation Troye knew he was going to do it. Usually he isn't good at this kind of things but this was something he thought he could do with ease.

"What do you think Troye?"


"I'm going to do it, Scott."

Scott clapped his hands together in excitement that he talked Tyler down.

"Yay! I was hoping you would do it, I can't stand seeing you so blue all the time."

The plan was: Tyler would drive to the suburban neighborhood Troye was living in. He would park his car at the edge of the area and walk to the park, he would bring the blanket Scott and he were sitting on right now and put it on the ground in one of the more secluded areas. Then he would call Troye and tell him to go there. The rest would (hopefully) fall into place.

What neither Tyler, nor Troye knew:
Scott and Mitch planned this from the beginning. It was their plan to bring them together. So the moment Tyler went to the park with the blanket, Troye went to the park as well, a basket filled with strawberries in his hands.


Troye walked to the park and to the spot they used to sit when they were kids. It was their spot. (A/N: I know that Troye is not from America, let's just pretend, okay? :D)

His phone rang, but he couldn't care less.

To say he was surprised when he saw Tyler sitting on a blanket was an understatement.



"I just called you, I didn't know you were-"

He stopped talking to look at Troye.

If he didn't know better he would think he was in heaven.

This boy...

He started talking again.

"Troye, you know me better than myself and- and you know I usually don't keep love around but with you... I think you might know it already since you were with Mitch and now you're here before I even had the chance to tell you I'm here and-

-and Troye, I think I'm in love with you."

Troye couldn't even process the words leaving Tyler's mouth. It was true? Everything Mitch said was true?

He couldn't say anything.

"Troye? Can you- can you please say something?"

Tyler bit his lip out of nervousness. What if Scott was wrong?

But Troye went to stand in front of Tyler. He took his face in his hands gently to look in his eyes.



"You're driving me wild."

And with that their lips touched.

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