Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over and grabbed it, almost falling off my bed. Today was May 5th, the day before the meet and greet with Jaz.

I looked at the caller to see it was my mom. She was already at work. I answered and my voice was still raspy.
"Hi momma," I croaked.
"Hails don't be late for the bus remember, and I made you pancakes this morning and remembered to put your detox water in the fridge," she said. I could almost hear her ear to ear smile through the phone.
"I love you momma,"
"I love you too boo. I won't be home till 9:45 tonight so you can have Jaz over if you want."
"Alright thanks mom I appreciate it,"
"I prefer you cook rather than order pizza if you don't mind,"
"Yeah no problem mom. Have a good day at work."

I hung up the phone with her and pushed back the covers to get up and walk to the bathroom. I washed my face and got ready. All I did was braid my hair back in two Dutch braids and grabbed a black beanie with the words "killin' it" written on the front. We weren't allowed to wear hats to school.
I didn't really care.

I threw on dark jeans and a gray sweater. I didn't wear much makeup. Simple concealer, eyeliner, and mascara with occasional highlighter would do for me. Always gotta be glowin.

I walked downstairs to find the pancakes my mom had made and my bottle of detox water. I was trying to get a toned body before summer came.

I texted Jaz to come over so we could skateboard instead of taking the bus. She came over in 10 minutes flat and finished up the last of the pancakes with me.
"Hails," she said.
"Hm?" I replied still eating.
I almost choked at her over excitement and had to drink something.
"Yes, yes I know Jaz. Magcon magcon. I still don't even know what it is," I finally replied, putting my drink down.
"Don't worry babe! You'll see!" She said winking at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Let's get going."
We put our dishes in the sink and I grabbed my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, and headed out the front door with Jaz.

We dropped our boards at the top the drive way and took off. We flew down the streets and raced to school. I felt the adrenaline flow through my hair and fill my body.
We turned at the intersection and made it to school in 7 minutes. If I would have taken the bus, it would've taken over twice as long.
"I'm gonna beat you there Jaz!" I yelled back.
"NO NO NOOOOO NOT THIS TIME RIDGEWAY!" She screamed over the wind.
I laughed and pushed harder against the pavement nearly flying down the road on my board.

I jump my skateboard and flip it over the curb to the parking lot and stick the landing perfectly with everyone watching and rolling their eyes. People at my school weren't too fond of "the skateboard/rebellious crowd". I hated the stereotype they labeled us as. Two of our friends saw me land and started clapping and cheering and everyone else just stared.

I ran up to the cheery ones, Ashlyn and Danielle, known by us as Ash and D.
"There's mah girl Ridgeway!!" Ash yelled running up to me hugging me and smiling.
"Hails you had a sick landing not gonna lie," D came up to me doing our signature hand shake greeting.

Jaz pulled into the parking lot and skated over to us.
"Yo Jaz you just missed HT's dope ending layout," D exclaimed. Jaz punched me in the arm jokingly and smiled.
"Awh what a pity. Just wait till I beat your ass next time we race to school. AND TO BE had a head start," Jaz said and backed up with her hands up innocently. I rolled my eyes and laughed as we walked into school.

The daily staring we got used to. All the shit talked about us amongst others was no longer a bother. Nothing mattered. We were us. And I liked being us.

I popped open my locker to throw my skateboard in and grab my honors chem III book right when Jaz ran up to me.
"Huh?" I asked. I was completely out of it when she approached me.
"MAGCON TOMORROW!!" She nearly screamed and filled the hallway. I got a pain in my head. Possibly a migraine start.
"I've never been to one of these things J but it does sounds chill," I replied searching for Advil in my backpack.
"MAGCON HAILS MAGCON!!" she yelled again.
"I mean J what do you even do at these things.?" I asked. Other kids were looking at us awhing at the listen of Jaz talking about this thing.
"You meet them! And they put on a show!!" More people stared.
"Who are we mee-"
"EVERYONE THERE! WE'RE VIPS HT! MY UNCLE GOT US THE TOP TICKETS! THEY DON'T EVEN SELL THESE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC!!!" Jaz cut me off and a short girl with dark hair and green eyes, who I know as Natalya Gunnerson, ran up to us.
"DID YOU SAY YOU HAVE VIP MAGCON TICKETS!" She screamed. Jaz turned to her and next thing you know, they were into a social media convention conversation and all that jazz shit.

I walked away to get to homeroom so I wouldn't be late for roll call. Mr. Fritz would be on my ass for another tardy this year. Jaz has made me late 17 times. Not again.

I walked into class just as he called my name.
"Ms. Hailey Theresa Ridgeway, right on time at the seat of your pants as always," he remarked sarcastically as some people turned to look at me.
"Well Mr. Fritz good to see you this fine morning. Coffee not strong enough I take?" I replied taking a seat in the far left corner awaiting Jaz's arrival in the seat next to me.
He checked off my name and chuckled.
"Never is Ms. Ridgeway. You know that."
I laughed. Just before Jaz could sneak into class he again wondered why she was late this time.
"And, the same question everyday," he lingered on. "Ms. Ridgeway, would you like to tell me.."
"Exactly why Ms. Jazmine Marie Lancaster is late today?" We said in unison. Funny isn't it?
I laughed again.
"Well Mr. Fritz. I do believe her dog ran away this morning and she had to chase him down all the way to school and take him back," I lied. I love coming up with stories for her absence nearly every morning. Why? Because then she finally comes in and Mr. Fritz asks her about what I said; then she tries to play like it was real when we ALL know it was made up by me to save her ass.

Mr. Fritz scoffed just as Jaz struts through the doorway with her bag, smile on her face.
"GOOOOODMORNING MR. FRITZ!" she's so overly happy because we have that meet and greet thing tomorrow, it's hilarious.
"Ms. Lancaster, always fashionably late," he shakes his head and marks the sheet. She walks over and sits next to me with the biggest smile on her face.
Today was going to be interesting.

(A/N: hiii babes!! thanks to everyone that is adding my story to their libraries! I haven't had time to write but I'm on an airplane rn going back to chicago so I figured I'd get some writing in!! after all this time...HERE IS CHAPTER ONE!! please enjoy. leave commentary I would love to read what you guys think! -subreeh)

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