April 6th - Wednesday

150 4 0

"Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. "


I so badly want to just be able to sleep. I'll literally stay up till my body crashes from exhaustion and even then I'm still fighting.

For some strange reason I never just go to sleep even though I'm tired.

Like now... It's like 11:34 pm. It might not seem that late but I'm tired lol. I would so love to sleep right now.

But somehow my brain still wants to be up, While My body is screaming "SLEEP! "

Uh I guess I'll try to go to sleep now. First I'll take a shower then lay down and see how it goes from there.



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We're gonna skip to the question again : How ling does it take for you to normally fall alseep? Do you have a set time?

Feel free to vote!

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