Chapter 11

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           This chapter is dedicated to  annitita89 for her 'AMAZAYN' comment. Thank you dear, hope u like this chapter!!!!

              Flashback continues.............

                   “So you don’t find me scary?” I asked giving John my best hard expression.

                  He but shrugged his shoulders “Nope” as he smiled sheepishly making me chuckle.

                   For half an hour John and I have been talking on as Jerald haven’t shown up yet. Thus I got to know the guide guy better and that meant he is not any more ‘scared’ of Emma Harper. Yep, when Jerald asked him to escort me to the office, he presented Emma Harper as a ‘scary, vicious and heartless boss’ who will at once fire you if you even utter a wrong word. How funny?  No wonder John was scared and acted distantly until now.

                 This is another thing I hate about Jerald. He acts ruthless and vicious to all the ones whom he consider inferior to him and moreover tries to make and present me the same.

                The office door opened and stepped in Jerald with another guy making John to immediately stand up and greet them. I too stood up but my eyes inevitably swayed to the man with Jerald. I could tell he was of Jerald’s age but he still looked younger and fit. His eyes cold and dark; though a friendly smile waved his lips, you could easily make it to be forced. An aura of evil surrounded the man but I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It was like a vile and evil force was drawing me to him.

                 The tension in the room increased and I noticed that Jerald was fuming and glaring at John who appeared to pass out any moment.

          John took it as a cue to leave and murmured a quick goodbye and I felt guilty for making him stay here with me.

             “Thanks John for giving me company.” I said hoping it will give no room for Jerald to fire John. John smiled at me gratefully and I returned it. By now Jerald was glaring at me but he ignored it due to this man and turned to him.

              “Emma meet Mr. Carter, the owner of the world wide Carter Enterprises” Jerald introduced the man to me.

         “And Carter meet Emma my-” Mr. Carter but cut him off.

                “I know, I know. Emma Harper, the young, beautiful and talented lady of the Emma Industries; the future owner of many yet Emma Enterprises to come; the new charm among the teens and the goal of the media and gossip paparazzi” he stated each line with an immense amount of pity and mock.

              “I knew your father, Mr. Harper such an honest and hardworking man” there again his words were good, but the way he stated it and my father’s name like he was spitting it out in hatred.

             “In fact we even planned to have a partnership. But the Heavens above were against him and look now he is no more”. As much he tried to be sympathetic there was not even a trace of sympathy in his words. All hatred, pity and then victory?

              “Such a tremendous loss. Any way it’s nice to meet you Emma Harper” with that he put on a forced smile and extended his hand. I unwillingly shook his hand. His hand seemed hot enough to burn mine. Everything in him screamed at me to get away from him.

               “We are going to start a new company making the Carters as partners” Jerald suddenly announced. I shouldn’t be surprised; he seemed like the man Jerald would go for- all wicked and evil.

HIS MAID? NO, HIS WIFE! [ZAYN MALIK FAN FICTION]Where stories live. Discover now