Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Catching up.

A loud series of knocking can be heard in the morning. Skyler groaned and looked at the digital clock on the bedside table.


She groaned again as the knocking didn't stop. Now, she was a little pissed. And to be fair, it wasn't just a little.

She stood up and stretched a little while walking towards the front door while thinking: 'Who in their right minds would be fucking knocking at my fucking door right fucking now?'

She opened the door and sighed. It was her 'lovely' brother, Jordan.

"I hate you so fucking much right now." She mumbled as she crossed her arm.

"Good morning, sweet sister of mine." He said in a sickening sweet voice while smiling way too friendly.

"What do you want, Jordan? I don't wanna deal with your shit right now." She replied a little annoyed.

"We need to talk." He said and walked inside of the apartment without asking if he could get in.

She rolled with her eyes, shut the door and walked towards the living room where Jordan had already made himself comfy on one of the black couches.

"What do we need to talk about, Jordan?" She asked rather curious at what he had to say.

"Nothing special, really. I just wanted to catch up with you, ya know? Since it been so long since I've seen you." He replied casually.

"You know damn good why I left, Jordan. Don't act like that,wasn't something huge." She said while sitting down next to him.

She didn't want to admit it, but she actually missed him. He wasn't the perfect brother, but he always used to help her with things.
She wished that it never happened.

"Hey, Sky? Can we just forget what happened between us?" He asked. Same as Skyler, he also wished that never happened. It was stupid and irrational and immature and painful.

Skyler sighed loudly. "I want to forget it, Jordan. I really do, but with 43 scars it's not that easy." She said with a little sadness lingering in her words.

Jordan frowned. He knew what he did was wrong, very wrong, but he wasn't himself. He still can't believe he did that, but he must face the horrible truth.

"How many times do you want me to sorry?" He asked.

Skyler grinned. "A couple hundred thousand times."

Jordan just rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "Anyways, wanna talk about other things then that?" He asked with a little hope. He just wanted to leave it in the past.

She nodded. "Sure. I'll try. So, I wanna ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

She turned her head and looked him dead in the eye. "Are you in a relationship?"

"Erm...I-Uh....Yes? Why? Is that a bad thing?" He asked a little unsure, and a little frightened.

Skyler shook her head and hugged the shit out of him. "I am so very fucking happy for you! I want to meet them!" 

That left Jordan a little confused. It's been ages since they've seen each other, so how did she know that?

"I still talk with dad, you know that right? He told me everything." She ansered the question for him.

"Filthy mind reader." He joked back while poking her sides. "I wuld have said you could meet them now, but Ant wouldn't be too happy." He said while chuckling.

"At 9 AM then maybe?" She offered and Jordan nodded in response.

"Sure, Sky. Anyways, I know you ain't gonna be able to fall back asleep since it's 6 AM right now, so I'll get you some  coffee." He said standing up and walking to the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes while smiling.

Today would be a weird and wonderfull day.

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