|1| » roaming

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I got up this morning; wondering 'how'? I'm not even a cop but my job is time and energy consuming. Sometimes i ask myself how i haven't quit yet. Besides the fact that i have at least wonderful friends i've made at ZPD; it's my parents. I told them i would become a cop; not a filing lady. I left with so much pride, it's now a shame. But, i know deep down they want me to become a cop even though they tell me to take it easy.
I needed a walk. Fortunately, the Chief gave me a day off. It's been at least a couple of months since i actually had me time.
So i'm roaming around town; going places i've never been! But really, i want to lay in my bed and cry. I mean, year i have friends but i don't tell them all my business. Except Benj. He sees right through me which i'm grateful for. He's the only thing i have right about now that i could vent to.
Not saying i have; but if he asks. Oh i have a lot to say.
My birthday is coming up. It'll be a shame if i had to spend it like this; but i'm used to this.
Judy roamed around the main street of Zootopia. She smiled as she looked at the trees blossoming; since it was spring and it was her favorite time of the year.
And then it started to rain. 'Shit' Judy thought. Although she loved the season, she hated the rain.
Judy quickly ran into a coffee shop where she saw her best friend, Benjamin. "Judeeeee!" He yelled, waving his hand. Judy framed a smile "hey, Benjieeeee" Judy chuckled as she walked over to him. The place was quiet empty, which was what Judy liked. "Whatcha doing here!" Benjamin asked for the waitress "one coffee, please" he grinned widely. "Thanks" Judy sighed "how's your mini break so far?" Benjamin asked Judy. She looked zoned out "Judy. Talk to me" Benjamin gave Judy his coffee. "I'm gonna find you a partner" Benjamin smiled "oh, Benj, that's sweet but no. I'm a bit of a loner, in case you haven't noticed-" "nope! Not allowing it" Benjamin giggled as Judy sipped her coffee. "I'll take that as a yes! And for your optimism, i'll pay for that" Benjamin got up and placed 2 Zoodollars on the counter "Thanks Benj" the female wolf smiled "keep the change! Judy, shall i walk you home?" Benjamin said. "Sure" Judy got up and held her raincoat.

Judy and Benjamin finally arrived at Judy's old apartment "well, i'll see you at work tomorrow. Get ready to meet your wonderful partner" Benajmin giggled as he walked away. "Thank you, Benjie." Judy pulled out her key's. She snapped back to reality as she saw the mess in her apartment. Since work, she had not found enough time to clean. Today was her only day off and probably a long time until she gets another one. So she ignored the mess and walked into her room. She showered and sat on her desk. She then went through her drawer and found her Ipod with her earbuds. She put them in her ear and listened away.

The Broken Filesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें