|2| » compulsive meeting

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Judy walked into ZPD. She felt shameful for some reason; but she's used to it. "Morning Benjamin" Judy sighed then smiled "Hey Judy, ready for today?" Benj giggled as he clapped his hands together. "Ready as always" She turned around while taking the clipboard of things she had to do today.

4 hours later

Judy tapped her carrot pen as she thought 'what if she became friends with this mammal thats going to be her partner?' or things like 'what if he's a boy? or a girl?' Thoughts flowed her head. She snapped out of it as soon as she heard the door open. "Judy? Judy! This is Nicholas; your new partner!" Clawhauser walked in with a somewhat tall, although everyone's taller than her, tan red fox. He wasn't just tall; he was well proportioned. He wasn't like a giraffe, but he was no mouse. Judy faked a smile "Judy Hopps" she shook Nicholas' hand "Hi" he said with a faded look. "Well, Judy, Nick. I'll leave you two" Clawhauser giggled, skipping out the door. Judy stood there, looking at Nick who was also looking at her.
"Uh, yeah. This is the dome, haha." Judy placed her hand on her desk, sliding it. "So what's our job?" Nick sat down. "Well.. What we're gonna do here is we create the case files for our fellow members upstairs" Judy lift up "piece of cake" Nick grinned as he grabbed a file out of Judy's hand. He took one glanced and noticed numbers and letters; which he didn't understand. He gave Judy a weird look "yeah, no cake for you" she snatched the files away from the fox. "This is whatcha have to do" Judy explained

Nick caught on pretty well; it made Judy impressed. "You're not so bad, Nicholas" Judy let out a calm sigh, smiling. "Nick. And let me guess, loner?" Nick turned his chair towards Judy's back since she was busy filing cases. "More like a unperturbed introvert" Judy giggled. Nick smirked "i hear ya. But if it makes you feel any better; i don't have any family" Nick went back to working, Judy looked at Nick "i have family. What makes that worse is i have to make them proud. I know they want me to become a cop." Judy's ears went down "but- who am i telling my stuff to some sly fox.." Judy sighed "that's a reason why you shouldn't trust me? I'm not dangerous" Nick turned around and looked at Judy. She took a look at her watch. "Break time" she whispered, walking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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