Man Of Lust

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Man of Lust

Brawny, tall, powerful

Compassionate, worldly, teacher

Beautiful angel

They tell me you are sinister but I don't believe them, for I have seen your compassion.

And they tell me you are forbidden, but I say they are malicious.

And they tell me you have a sordid soul, but I have seen your humanity.

And they tell me you are brutal, and my reply is;

I have seen your altruistic ways

I have been drawn deep into your soul

I see no fallacy

And having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this, my love.

I give them back the sneer and say to them;

Come and show me another soul with lifted head, singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and agile

Loving as a mother to her young, affectionate with good intent to all

Kindness, warmth, geniality

Beneloventness, gentleness

Thoughtfulness, holiness

Under the cool indifference, impressionable beauty

Smiles with gleaming teeth

Under the corroding skin a free soul

Laughing as the young man laughs

Laughing the sweet, tender, brawling laughter of youth

Proud to be compassionate, worldly, teacher, beautiful angel

Man of Lust

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