Thought Of Today

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Youth is Fleeting

Beauty Fades

Don't reach for the future

Enjoy your days

Life is not easy or fair or always fun.

There will be hard times, sad times, tough times.

People will beat you down with cruelty and lies.

Never change, or give up.

For there will always be amazing times, things that will astound you and make you weep with joy

The road is long and winded, and that is ok.

People don't realize until it's too late that it is the pleasures found in every day,

That makes the memories of tomorrow

We always look to the future for happiness, what about the happiness in front of you today

Don't push time aside, for every second that is gone will not return

No regrets, don't wallow, open your eyes to now

Be Alive.

Be Now.

Be Happy.

(c) Theresa Jacobs 2016

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