The Persona and the Shadow Self

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The persona is what we would like to be; our mask. But wherever there is light, a shadow looms. The shadow self is our shadow, that forms part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, instincts, impulses, weaknesses, desires, perversions, and embarrassing fears. It represents chaos, wilderness, and the unknown.
We are born blank and whole, but as we grow, we categorize traits and thing as good or evil, repressing the evil. Repressing your shadow self for too long can make it erupt, causing harm to ourselves or others.
Exploring, understanding, accepting, and embracing your inner darkness- instead of denying it, brings inner harmony. To reject half of ourselves leaves us feeling fragmented, and our "light" side may be inauthentic. When you accept the darkness, it won't have control over you.

(Sources- Lonerwolf: Embracing Your Inner Darkness)

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