❤️Chapter 2❤️ Good-Bye, and Hello mystery twins?

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I quickly knocked on the door...

Grumpy Uncle's POV

I folded my fingers together, displaying them to carry my chin  with my elbows on my wooden desk. My wife, (random name), was talking about how worried she was if (name) got in trouble or got hurt. I got ticket since first of all, THIS ISNT OUR CHILD! But I completely understand why she would fuss about this. I was there when she held her sister's hand, sliding tears as she promised she would take care of her daughter.  My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"(Name)?" I questioned.

"May I come in?" She asked, I can easily sense her trembling.

I sighed and said yes.

But of course she came inside just to look for (aunt name).

YOUR POV💜💚💖💙❤️

I went inside my (uncle name)'s office and saw my aunt. She smiled as she gestured me to go outside and wait for the bus. I nodded, knowing she would quickly come back as soon as she finished  talking to my uncle.

  I left the office and went to grab my bags and belongings. I stepped out the door and walked to the stop. I sat on the bench it provided and waiting for 3 minutes or so for my aunt to walk overt to me. 2 minutes later the bus came.

"Woah!" I stared in awe.

It looked to luxurious. I carefully walked up its nicely polished steps. I turn around to see my aunt wave to me.

"Bye (name)! Email me every month about how your doing! Like your boyf-"

" (aunt name)!!!" I blushed.

"Bye!" We both said in unison. We both smiled, I knew both of our smiles were fake

I turned back around and went upstairs to the second level of he bus. I noticed all the seats had seat warmers and adjustments like that. There was an empty seat on the back with an outlet for charging. There was an assistance button.

All of it were lovely. I dragged my suitcase with my (backpack/big satchel bag/tote bag) over my shoulder(s) to the seat in the back. I glanced at the high-Tech bar that scrolled slowly that showed that my stop was one of the first 3. I was actually relieved since I wanted to relax here, it seemed to comforting. I placed my suitcase in the trunk behind my seat and kept my bag on the floor between my feet. I unzipped the secret compartment from my bag that held the most precious thing.

My locket.

This locket had a (shape) with the (gem) gleaming its color. Inside was a picture of my mother and me as a baby. It fit perfect for me, my mother bought it before hand, already knowing she could risk dying if she gave birth to me. My father took the picture. She had few more minutes until she would run out of air and blood. Very few doctors preferred my mom to kill me instead of giving birth to me. My father told me about this.

I stopped dozing until the bus had stop to a steady halt.
2 male passengers the bus. I know because the two walked up the stairs as they sat right in the seats in front of me. I quickly latched the locket around my neck. And hid the locket part inside my blouse.

The two looked like they were brothers. I was staring at them for 3minutes until one of them felt my presence and turned around. I gulped nervously and mouthed 'hi' I wanted to make my image introvert until little by little I will try and make friends. But it was hard for me to speak properly anyways, at least I didn't have to fake this time. My life is full of lies. I always feel guilt. But I want that to change for the huge remains of my life.

The boy smiled, and said hi in a......



Hetalia x Reader Highschool حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن