Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


~Jenna’s POV~

I just could just die from the awkwardness. It wasn’t him, obviously, it was me. I didn’t know what to say and I was terrified that if I opened my mouth I was just going to spill out some of my “stalkerish fangirlisms”, as Charlie would call them.

“It’s okay, you know, I mean, I understand” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, “I know that our fans get a bit, uhmm, how should I put this nicely? Crazy. It’s okay”

“Well, uhmm, yeah, sorry, I guess I just… I just… it doesn’t feel real, ya’ know?” I stammered

“The whole zombie apocalypse or meeting someone you’ve been obsessing over?” he laughed

“Both, I mean, not that I obsess over….” I began

“Jenna” he said with his eyebrow raised

“Okay, fine, maybe I obsess a little…” I half-admitted

“Jenna” he repeated

“Will you cut it out?!” I laughed, smacking his hand off of me, “Fine, I completely, one hundred percent obsess over you guys”

“That’s more like it” he laughed

I rolled my eyes and huffed out a deep breath. It’s so strange to be sitting next to him, he’s not treating me like some crazy fan and he’s not acting like some egocentric celebrity, he’s making it feel like we’re friends.

“I have a very important question for you” he said

“Shoot” I smiled, happy to get off the creepy fangirl topic.

“Which one of us is your favorite?” he asked

“What? Uhmm, no one, I mean, I love you all!” I stuttered, a blush spreading across my cheeks.

“Okay, but who do you love the most?” he laughed, “And don’t lie because I know everyone has their favorite”

“That’s not true, I love you all the same” I said, sticking out my tongue

“Deep down, you have a favorite, I can tell” he whispered, “I just want to know who it is”

“What do you want me to say? That my favorite is you? That I’m absolutely crazy for you? That I write fan fictions about you?“ I rambled “Uhmm… I mean, for example, is that what you want me to say? Because it’s totally not true, I, uhmm, I totally just love you all equally… You know what? Just ignore me…”

“I knew it” he beamed, his laugh filling the room, “I just knew I was your favorite”

“And you didn’t want to put me out of my awkward misery?” I groaned

“I was going to, but you’re a horrible liar and it’s pretty amusing” he chuckled

“I never imagined you to be such a pain in the ass” I laughed

“And I never imagined meeting a fan in the middle of a zombie apocalypse” he said

“Hey! This isn’t some kind of meet and greet, I saved your ass!” I protested

“We were doing just fine” he teased

“Oh yeah, locked in a recording studio with limited food, water, and weapons, without anyone who actually knows how to survive” I laughed

“Okay, fine, maybe you did save us” he smiled

“Maybe?” I questioned

“Okay, you did save us” he admitted

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