⇧Tall CrushXShort Reader⇩part 2

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here comes the part 2 !!


Your POV
im here at the (mall name) searching for (c/n)..

i text him
to: (c/n)😍😍
hello! im here at the (mall name) where are you●0●

come here at the teddy bear store 😊😉

i go to the teddy bear store and see the lights are off i sweat dropped
*sigh* okay I'm coming in there i thought
the room is so silent suddenly someone tall hugged me
"(y/n) please stay like this"(c/n) said omg!if the lights were on i swear my face is super red!!
"i like you since i first met you i always see you watering the flowers always study,your a responsible,smart,beautiful and cute"he said
suddenly he spun me around now im facing him but i cant see him because the lights were off
"(y/n) can i ask you a question?"he asked
"hmm."i hummed
i jump when the lights quickly turned on
there are teddy bears lined up
"will you be my girl?" i say out loud
"of course!"i shout i hugged him and he hugged back
the staffs appear from no where they were clapping and shouting

its a dream come true(┳Д┳)

sorry for grammatical errors and typos thank you for reading ╯ω╰

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