❁Crush X Reader❁Wait Part 2❁

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hey waddup its baeyang agaiyyyyn! so this is Crush X Reader Wait Part 2!! hope you enjoy it!!


Your POV
*sigh* the long long time of waiting is about to end but im not sure if im happy or not because he is not responding to my text he didn't call me at Skype at all i wonder what happened to him i look at my ring and play with my ball pen all day
suddenly my secretary knock at my office door
"come in" i said
" there is a guy outside he left a note for you ma'am" my secretary said
"okay thank you you may go now"i smiled at her
he bowed at me and went out
"i wonder who gave me this"i asked my self i search the envelope if there is a name but none
i open the letter and read whats inside
"dear (y/n),
hello (y/n) im home now :) i see you already know me but before you go home there is another letter waiting for you :) see ya!

Clue: they sell clouds
they have a big house
colorful clouds
twist and twist them to make it more
your one of your favorites always ask for more

"clouds hmmm.. big house .. colorful fovorite.. aha!! the cotton candy store!!" i hurry up and go to the candy store

"oh are you (y/n)? there is a handsome man who tell me to gave you this letter ..oh and he buy a cotton candy for you " the old lady said and gave to me the letter and the (fave color) cotton candy ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

i open the letter and read it again:
"hello again! good job you are so smart that's my girl└(^o^)┘ oh do you like the cotton candy? of course you do because that is one of your favorite there is another letter waiting for you ! goodluck ̄ 3 ̄♥♡♥♡

charlie and his factory is waiting for you
they are sweet too
like my love for you
your best friend there is waiting for you

"charlie..sweet my best friend? oh! the chocolatety store"

i hurry up and went quickly at the chocolatety store i found my bff (f/n) arranging his pony tail

"hey gurll!"i shout
"zup gurll so this is you letter from your knight and shining armor oh wait i forgot your chocolate guess what its (fave chocolate ) your favorite!!!" she said or more than shout
"thank you" i laugh
" okay good luck gurl!!!" she shout as she entered to their store

i read the letter:
last clue: where your love one lives
where watching your favorite movies

"ofcourse! its(c/n)'s home!" i said

Time skippuuuu♟♙
im here now in front of (c/n)'s house
i knock on the door nobody answered
i twist the knob and i opened it it dark but when i step inside the lights automatically opened and somethin poped
"congratulations (y/n)!!!" (c/n) said
i tears in joy i quickly went to him and hug him
"I miss you!!" i shout in the top of my lungs
"im glad that you are here now " i added
"i miss you too (y/n) and of course im glad that im already here with you" he said
"btw nice game you got there huh" i tease him
"of course !! im (c/n) the genius !!" he proudly shout
"oh yeah?"i said and put him some cream in his nose from the cake beside me
"im going to get you (y/n)!!" he shout

and we chase each other and ended up eating the cake


heyyaaa!! this is the part two hope you like it ♥♥♥feel free to follow me and vote if you want to thank you for reading!

requests is available just say your name and crush and ill do the rest!! don't worry i don't bite(❁'‿'❁)

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