Chapter 1

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*Jade in the photo*

*2 days ago*

I sat staring at the board from the back of the classroom. Not that I was actually paying much attention to it. It's Maths, what did you really expect??

In fact, I was more thinking of my life, and what a total screw up it actually is. A movement caught my eye and I found myself staring at my really-hot-but-a-total-jerk ex boyfriend, Ryan Jones. He was lounging back, his hands behind his back, without a care in the world... But I guess when you have money, friends and are the most popular guy in the whole school then you don't have much to care about.

I sighed and looked down at my book, taking deep breathes to try and contain my tears that was threatening to fall. My life was like that a year ago... And now here I am, an outcast. A loner. A killer.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the lessons. I gathered all my things in my bag and dashed out, wanting to get to my locker before my worst enemy and fear arrives...

But of course, like every other day, luck decided it didn't want to be on my

My body slammed into the lockers, my head smacking onto one of the locks. I fell to the floor, and my stuff in my shaking hands scattered all over the floor. I went to grab my bag, but a body stood in the way.... Jade Jackson...

She is your typical queen B- blonde dyed hair, a face caked with makeup and really short, revealing clothing. And, as you guys can guess from the greeting, she hates me.

'What the hell are you still doing here ?!?' She spat out, so much hatred and venom in her words. I didn't answer and reached out again, going for my bag... Only my wrist was yanked back, and twisted round with so much strength it snapped. Pain shot through my whole arm, and I bit down on my lip so hard I tasted blood. A cold, minty breathe tickled my cheek as Jade leaned down to whisper in my ear,

'Never try to ignore me again... Or it won't just be a wrist that you will have broken. Okay ??' And she walked away but without smacking my head against a lock... Again...

Black dots danced around my vision and despite trying to blink them away slowly, they wouldn't leave. I staggered to my feet, pain flaring through my wrist as I grab my bag. I let the tears fall now, not caring what people thought of me. I stumbled to the medic, my vision becoming more and more hard to make out...

I staggered to the Nurses Office, my hand clutching anything to support me from collapsing on the ground. The dots became bigger, and a sudden feeling of wanting to just fall and sleep on the floor was starting to rise within me.

I managed to knock the door before I collapse, the urge to curl up and sleep way too hard to ignore...

The last thing I heard was the click of the door and a shouting of the nurse,

'QUICK !!!!! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBU.....' Before I stopped trying to fight the urge and I let the darkness fall around me....

Hi people, so this book isn't exactly the best but it is a work in process so yeah lol.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the people so far ?? In my point, I think that Jade is a bit of a b**** but oh well.

Thankyou for reading this !!! I love youuuuuu !

Thankyou for reading this !!! I love youuuuuu !

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