Chapter 3

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I waited at the doorstep, my suitcase and rucksack beside me, as I waited for my Dad to arrive.

A hoot of a horn startled me and I looked up to see Dad's car, and my Dad himself jumping out the car. He stopped a few feet in front of me, and looked me up and down.

'How on Earth could someone ever want to bully my beautiful little girl ??' He said and I laughed, running up and jumping on him, squealing as he spun me round and round in circles.

'Oh I have missed you so much princess.' He said and I nodded, too choked up to even said a word.

We heard a cough from the side and we both turned to see my Auntie and Uncle with their arms across their chest, looking clearly disgusted with the greeting I have given Dad. I glared at them, and backed away from him, towards the car, grabbing my stuff and putting it in the boot.

'Hello Rosie, Pete.' Dad said formally, and they both nodded at him, ovbiously trying to get a message across, which he thankfully got clearly, turning to me and smiling.

I waved at Auntie and Uncle and jumped in the car, turning the radio on full blast.

Dad backed out of the driveway and we drove off, watching as my old life faded away, bit by bit.

The two hour drive to my new home consisted of Dad telling me about my stepmum, Vicky, and my stepbrother, Mick (Mickey if we wanted to annoy him). Apparently, they know a lot about me, and have been up since 6 am this morning preparing....

We finally arrived and I got a good look at the place I would be living in. It was huge, a swimming pool in the back garden, two garages, and from the looks of it outside, about 2 or 3 floors. I was in love, already.

I had literally taken a step away from the car when I was bundled, literally. A woman was on my right, about late thirties, early fourties, with brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, and a slim figure. She had a nice smell, a mixture of cookies and vanilla, making me breathe in the scent happily. She was squeezing the life out of me, but for some strange reason, I love the feeling... it made me feel warm. Happy. Loved.

And on my left was a teenage boy, brown, spiky hair, muscles bulging around his body, one ear pierced, and the scent exactly like Vicky. He was also squeezing the life out of me, like she is too.

Vicky finally let go, and wiped her eyes, as she had tears streaming down her face. Tears of happiness for meeting me. That made me fall in love with her even more.

However, Mick seemed to not want to let go of me.

'Mick... I need to breathe... it's neccessary..' I gasped and he backed away from me, finally let me get oxygen back in my lungs.

'Oh air, how I have missed you.' I stated dramatically and made everyone chuckle, making me smile and bow respectfully, earning more laughter along with it.

I got ushered in, and dragged on a tour of the house, which, I must say, is very impressive. There was a massive living room, with the dining room in it as well, and the kitchen was huge, much to my happiness as I love baking. I'll bake anything, from cakes for cake sales to a meal for everyone. I was my hobbie which I used to do to escape reality.

Then was the second floor, which was mainly the games room, and our study room. Me and Mick share one, while Dad and Vicky have one each.

'Dad's study is like his bedroom... he rarely leaves it !!' Mick joked and we all chuckled while Dad mock glared at us. I was taken back by Micks easiness of calling my Dad, Dad but I was careful not to show it. I guess that, because Dad and Vicky have been married for about 10 years, he's become comfortable around him.

Finally was the bedrooms, and I saw my room for the very first time. And I was in love.

My room was cream, with fairy lights decorating the ceiling. A window seat was set up, a bookshelf to one side of it, with some of books already on it, the other side of a DVD stand. A TV desk was near the door, against the wall. And my bed was against the other wall, with space for me to put my photos and memories of my life.

I felt tears going down my face, happy tears, and Dad's arm around me, smiling at me. I hugged him tightly, a smile stuck on my face.

Vicky called us down for dinner, and we both raced down, me laughing as Dad stumbled on the last step and face planted the floor. We sat down for dinner and just talked, mostly Mick, Vicky and Dad as I sat and listened about the new town that I was living in. We joked and laughed, then played a game of wii. Me and Vicky cried with laughter as Mick and Dad played each other on Just Dance, wriggling their hips to an Elvis Presley song.

Finally, we went to bed, as both me and Mick had school tomorrow. Well, if I had overcome meeting my stepmum and brother, school can't be that bad... right ???

So hi again people, sorry it's been a while since my last update, but I just haven't had the chance to. But, no worries, it's here now.

So, Mia met Vicky and Mickey, and she seemed to like them enough. Now it's just school, let's hope it's not like her last one.

Anyway, I hope you like this, and please remember to like, vote or comment so I can improve and make it better for you to read.

Thank you all so much for taking your time and reading this book, it does mean a lot to me.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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