Chapter 2

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*Mia in the photo*

My eyes fluttered opened carefully but then shut immediately, a bright light being shined in them. I slowly counted up to 3 then opened them again, this time a lot more cautiously.

I could hear chattering around me, and as I regained my sight back I could see who it was: my Aunt Rosie, my Uncle Pete and a middle aged man. My best guess is that he is a doctor, judging by his posture and also, the files in his hand about what happened to me gave a big clue.

'Ah, Miss Green, I see that you're now awake!' Doctor exclaimed, causing both Aunt Rosie and Uncle Pete's head to snap towards me. A look of relief seemed to flash across both of their faces... Wait, relief?!? They both hate me... I must have hit my head way too hard...

'You suffered minor concussion and a cut on the side of your head which we have stitched up. As for the concussion, you may get some spells of dizziness, and get very tired. Just make sure you rest up for a couple of days then you should be fine. Fortunately, you only fractured your wrist, however, you will need to keep it in this cast for 3 weeks,' he paused as he put the cast on for me, 'and you won't be able to do any sports. That's all I believe, and since you seem perfectly fine, then we may as well discharge you. Now, if one of yours guardians would like to come and sign you out, then you can be on your way.' He finally finished his speech and we both turned our heads to look at Aunt and Uncle, who seemed to be having one of those silent conversations. Finally, Uncle stood up and nodded at the Doctor, who gestured for him to follow him and walked out the door, shutting it behind them.

I looked at Aunt with raised eyebrows, wondering why she was staying here when she hated my guts. She can't stand being in the same room as me for 5 minutes, let alone wanting to see if I was okay.

I guessed she wanted to talk to me about something serious... I don't like the feeling in my stomach that I have right now....

After our little staring match, Aunt decided to finally speak.

'Mia, dear, you now know that me and your Uncle are getting old, and aren't getting enough energy or money to keep you... Your Father,' she spat the word out with disgust and I had to stop myself from screaming at her, 'has agreed to take you on... You will be leaving tomorrow. Are you sure you're okay with this??' Now, it might sound like she is asking but in my reality, she isn't. She is pretending because we are in public. She is basically telling me I have no choice in the matter.

I nodded my head and she beamed, then stood and left very aburtly. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

Well, maybe my new life will be better than my old one.. Right??

Hey guys, so what do you think ?? Aunt Rosie seems like a cow but at least Mia doesn't have to put up with her anymore !!!

Anyway, please comment, vote or just read it

I love you all, seriously I do xxx

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