Chapter 26: Do You Ever

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Previously From Chapter 25:

" One thing he wasnt counting on was that I am a crazy mother fucker too, I think as I smile when he starts to scream as June steps on the gas pedal again. "Let it go" i say when my blunt is gone. "You ready to talk now" I say as coughs up blood and it lands at my feet. " Eva green, she wore green bathing suit I look her from her backyard, I burned her body, spread her ashes on a playground" He says coughing up more blood. "I want all of them, every victim where you buried them muthafucka" I say sitting back down and lighting a Hawaiian Kush". "We will be here for a while, I killed eighty six"

Chapter 26: Do You Ever

Eve's POV

        "Tonya, we gotta to do something"  Lala said whispering above me like I couldn't hear her. "I tried, she been like this for a month, she wont eat, she wont sleep all she does is lay here" Tonya said whispering back. I didn't want to talk anymore, I didn't want to them speaking to me about this shit either. "E, a lawyer called this morning, she said she's been trying to get in touch with you for two weeks" Tonya said as I felt the bed dip when she sat down next to me. "E" she said again as I stayed still submerged under the covers. "Eve" she said lightly shaking me as I ignored her again. "Yo, we gotta do something" Lala said again this time raising her voice. "What you expect me to do then" Tonya said rubbing my leg. Why wont they leave me  alone and let me be miserable, just let me deal with this shit by myself. "For one, stop babying this shit, she not getting any better with you doing that, have you looked at her she losing weight, and when she does sleep she wakes up screaming so loud we can hear her from the house, she needs help" Lala said raising her voice. "Eve, come on please eat something" Tonya said so close to me that I could hear her placing the plate of whatever she was trying to get to eat on the nightstand. "Eve, I understand what your going through" Tonya said. "Don't tell me that shit" I say interrupting her as I threw the cover from my head. "I cant tell you how many times, I heard that shit in my life, so you keep that understanding shit, cause you don't know whats its like to wake up and be me, to wake up one day and everything you wanted is stolen from you. Why the fuck you here are anyway, go home and be happy with Ty. Why cant you let me deal with this shit by myself cause you cant possibly  understand the shit I feel right now, I wish both of you would do me  a favor and leave me the fuck alone" I say as I bring the covers back over my head and turn over facing away from them, maybe now I can have some peace.

                  "La, don't" I hear Tonya say as I feel the covers snatched away from my body and someone grabbing my shoulders and I feel myself  being turned on my back. "Im so sick of this shit" La said sitting on my stomach when I try to throw her off me. "La, she is going through shit" Tonya said explaining. "Naw Yo, she needs to hear this shit, you think you only one that had your heart broke, you think you the only one that experienced pain? Then bitch wake up. Talking about let you handle this shit alone, that's what got you in this shit in the first place. Let us help your ass, cause right now we all you got and as far as I'm concerned that night you got in that car and rode with me to that hotel, you became my friend, so if you think I'ma sit back and watch you kill yourself, think again. Cause that shit not happening, not on my watch. Don't you ever break down and die over no nigga, you do what the rest of us doing, keep living and move the fuck on, Now get your ass... up get in that bathroom and shower, Im sick of smelling your ass" she said letting go of my shoulder and storming out the room.

      Laying there, I didn't hear shit she said cause, this pain I'm feeling is fueling my thoughts. "Eve" "God, Tonya leave me the fuck alone" I said getting up and storming to the bathroom, and  slamming the door as I entered, shit I can storm off too.
  Turning on the shower to the highest setting, I stepped into the shower fully clothed, i couldn't look at my scares, I hated seeing them. Using the sliding glass doors for support the tears fell from my eyes with so much ease, it seems that's all I can do and to be honest Im sick to death of crying, I'm sick of this pain I'm feeling and I'm tired of thinking about him and wondering if he is thinking about me. I know I messed up, but what the fuck was I supposed to do, tell him about Joe so he could end up in jail or dead,  "I wish I could go back" I say thinking about him, and the time he let me hold him  when he was weak, revealing a side to him that only I got to see.  Nothing hurt worse than seeing him walk away from me it  broke me into pieces. I feel alone and broken. "Eve" Tonya said opening the bathroom door and walking in slowly to me. "I fucked up" I said when she opened the shower doors, I couldnt hide the pain I was feeling. "I fucked up" i said choking on my tears as she held me. "Come on E" she said picking me up from the floor and taking ofd my clothes as I cried my soul out. "You stronger than this" she said taking the shampoo and washing my hair. "You were with me through all that shit I took from Steve, now its my turn to be here for you" she said picking up a towel and washing me as I cried silent tears.

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