You're In My Veins

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The next few months were peaceful around the house, however there was also excited chatter around. Alix's birthday was fast approaching and everyone was excited. Kevin quickly learned that in the house, everyone got to decide what they wanted to do for their birthdays. Some people didn't want any gifts or to do anything at all. Others liked extravagant parties and others like simple. Alix was the simple type, always deciding they'd simply have a family dinner and small hang out afterwords where they'd eat cake and give gifts. Kevin was trying to figure out what to get him, completely at a loss. What did you get the man who could buy himself everything he wanted? So Kevin decided to track down the quietest, but also the most knowledgeable one in the house and ask for her opinion.

He went down to party 4's floor and knocked on her door, waiting for Lexis to answer. "Come in." She called quietly. He opened the door and found her, sitting at her desk and staring intently at her computer screen. "What's up Kev?" She smiled, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

"Not too much..." He smiled back, sitting down on the beanbag next to her. "...I'm trying to figure out what to get Alix for his birthday. Like, I have no idea what he would like."

She laughed a bit quietly, opening a drawer in her desk and pulling out a small box, holding it out to him. He hesitated before opening it, seeing a small, green crystal bottle inside. It had a light blue liquid with what looked like pieces of flower petals floating inside. "'s bubble bath..." She murmured. "...I made it for him. Alix prefers things that have thought put in them or handmade things....I give him bubble bath every year, and he always loves it.....just make him something. That's the best way I can help you...."

He put it back in the box and smiled, watching her code something on her laptop. "Thanks Lex. I appreciate the help."

"....of course..." She smiled again and he left, trying to figure out what he could make. Eventually, he decided on maybe making him something he could wear all the time, like maybe a necklace or bracelet. He went scavenging as well as shopping at a small store nearby, trying to find things that he could use. Eventually, he found a small glass vial that he could uncork and decided to do two things. He bought a small, small piece of jasper as well and when he got home, pricked his finger to fill the tiny bottle with the few drops of blood it would take. He placed the small stone chip inside and corked the bottle, gluing it closed and wrapping a black ribbon around it. Since it was a very small necklace charm, he strung it on a chain and smiled, placing it in a box. On the inside of the lid, he wrote 'I love you so much that you're in my veins' and tied it together with ribbon.

About a week later was Alix's birthday. Everyone helped with dinner before heading up and getting dressed. Kevin had bought a new shirt for the occasion, blackest black with white buttons along his chest. He folded the sleeves up and tied his creepers before heading back downstairs. When everything was set on the huge table and all of the Outers had arrived, they called Alix downstairs. He came down and smiled a huge smile when he saw all of them waiting for him around the table. Once he sat down at the head, they all followed and Kevin sat just to his right, holding hands under the table. They passed around an ornate glass pitcher and filled their wine glasses with the thick red liquid that Kevin could tell was blood, obviously just taking a glass of wine.

After dinner, they all moved to the common room and one by one gave Alix his gifts. It was fun watching his face light up at each thing, thanking every one of them individually with a hug. Kevin of course was last and hesitantly handing him the small box. "I-I had a hard time figuring out what to get I hope this is alright...." He smiled a bit nervously and Alix gave him a more reassuring one before taking off the ribbon. He opened the hinged box and read what was on the lid, smile slowly fading as he read and re-read the writing. He carefully reached in, pulling out the small charm and holding it in his hand. He watched the thick liquid moved and reveal the small jasper inside. Alix looked up to Kevin, seeing him looking slightly bewildered and chewing on his lip. Everyone else was looking at Alix, trying to figure out what he had in his hand. Very quickly, necklace still in his hand, he dropped the box and reached out, wrapping his fingers around Kevin's wrist. To his surprise, he pulled him closer and grabbed his chin between his forefinger and thumb, pulling him in to press their lips together.

"'s amazing.....thank you....." He breathed across his mouth. Kevin smiled.

"'re welcome...."

They heard Vince go "....awwwwwwww..." And pulled back, looking at him and narrowing their eyes, but laughing nonetheless.

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