Chapter 4:

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Quick Author's Note:

This one is gonna be a bit of a long chapter, but I'm sure you'll love it c; just bear with me c:


I woke up to the, probably in the mid 40s, nurse calling my name. "Nate sweetie, get up." I looked around. Why am I on the floor? "You must've fallen off while you were asleep." She said, holding her hand out for me. I took it and stood up, "Thanks." I sat on the bed, "Can you please bring me a pill or something? My head is killing me." I asked. "Sure, I'll be right back." She said then stepped out of the room.

I poked at my arm. It's already completely healed, there's no more pain to cover pain. Oh well, perks of being a wolf I guess. The nurse came back with a cup of water and a pill. "Here sweetie." She said. I nodded, "Thank you." And with that, she left. I put the pill in my mouth and drank the water. I lay down on the bed and turned on the TV. I scrunched my nose, "Eeeewww! It's the neeeeews!" I was right about to change it when the news reporter says,

"Next on the topic, it has been said that lead singer Kellin Quinn, from the American post-hardcore band Sleeping With Sirens, has been spotted in Orlando, Florida, visiting the Memorial Hospital. Could he be visiting a fan or a family member? More on the topic at the six o'clock news."

I turn the TV off. "What the heck?! He got that famous?!" All my fury came back and my wolf, Xavier, growled lowly. "I could be there! Right beside him! If I hadn't forced him to go to that Open Mic Night, this never would've happened!" I yelled, throwing the plastic cup.

Ugh, I need a sheet of paper! I sat on the bed and waited for a nurse to come. "Are you hungry?" She said cleaning a bit. "Um no thanks. I'm sorry if this is a bother but, do you think I can have a spiral and a pencil?" I said sitting crisscrossed. "Oh, it's not a bother at all! I'll be right back." She said giving me a big smile. She left the room and came back a few minuets later. "Here you go." She said handing me a red and black composition book and a mechanical pencil. "Thank you so much." I said giving her a smile. She nodded her head and walk to the door, "If there's anything else you need, please ask." she shut the door slowly.

I lay down with my tummy on the bed, my elbows supporting me. I put the notebook in between my elbows and opened it to the first page. I starting writing something very close to my heart. My eyes were soon getting heavy and I finally gave in to sleep.

---------Kellin's P.O.V.---------

"Just leave!" Nate yelled at me and pointed at the door. My wolf, Xavier, whined. It was strange how mine and Nathan's wolf had the same name. I walked out slowly. My heart sank heavy in my chest as I sat outside the door, hearing him sob. I covered my face with my hands. What did I do? I messed up his life! Here I am, trying to help people with my music, when I should've been helping him.

I looked at my phone, 2:37 pm. I sighed. I heard the sobbing stop and looked inside slowly. He was asleep, his eyes all red, and the pillow wet from all of his tears. I went to the far corner of the room. There were two chairs that were stuck together, and behind them was a small little space. I went there and sat on the floor. I could see him but he couldn't see me. I covered my face again. What's wrong with me! I closed my eyes as sleep overtook me.


I woke up to a thud on the floor. My eyes shot open and I looked over to Nate's bed. He's not there! I stood up about to go see where he went, when the nurse came back in. I quickly sat back down on the floor. She looked at the ground and started calling Nathan. Holy fudge balls! Did he faint or something?! She held her hand out, "You must've fallen off while you were asleep." She told him. He grabbed her hand and stood up.

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