Chapter 6:

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Well my lovelies, I've been feeling like poopie these past weeks and I haven't been up to writing and/or reading. Yes I did update my first story but it sucked and I'm sorry if this one sucks. Please forgive me for not updating and read on c: <3


----------Kellin's P.O.V.----------

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. It's pointless crying here. I sat up and yawned. I looked at the time. Shouldn't Nate be here already? "Nate?" I called out. "I'm in here." A shaky voice said. It came from the restroom, "Nate, don't do it again!" I said panicking. I stood up and knocked on the door, "C'mon don't do-" "Chill your nips, I'm just taking a wazz." He grumbled as the toilet flushed. I backed away from the door and sat down on his bed. He came out and sat next to me. My wolf purred. That's weird. He laid his head on my shoulder and I got a weird shock. We both jumped and looked at each other. I'm guessing he felt that too. "Did you feel that...?" He asked. I nodded my head. Be both sat there silently. He decided to lay his head on my shoulder again. When he did I got a shiver up my spine but decided to ignore it. I closed my eyes as my wolf purred again. Why does this feel so.... tingly?

After a few minutes like that he spoke up, "W... why did you leave me here?" He asked. My wolf whimpered and I closed my eyes, "I had to, we were going to be famous." He sat back up and looked straight at me, his eyes fierce, "We? You knew I had alpha duties and you had beta duties!" I look at him shocked. Last time when I said I was beta I was kidding. "You were going to make me beta?" He rolled his eyes, "I was but you left me here! I've taken over the pack since my parents died and I had to address someone else as beta!" He put his hands on his face. "Who'd you address?" I asked. He looked away, "It's none of your business." I turned him to face me, "Who did you address?!" "Joshua!" He yelled flustered. I tilted my head, "Who's that?" He rolled his eyes but didn't answer. "Who. Is. He?"

"He's my friend! He was here for me whenever my parents died and he's been here since. He was here more than you ever were!" My stomach churned and my wolf whined.

A few minutes passed and he sighed, "He's a great dude and I'm pretty sure you'll get along fine." I got excited again, "Does that mean you forgive me?" I asked hopefully. He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Yeah." A wave of happiness flew through me and my wolf. I lunged towards him and I gave him the biggest hug ever. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!" He chuckled, "But you've gotta promise me something."

I pulled away and looked at him, "Anything."

"You've gotta promise to be here for me and stay here."

Shit! I can't do that, I'm on tour! But I can't tell him that, it'll crush him.


I look at him. "Promise."

"And now you've gotta promise me something too." I said.


I took a deep breath, "You've gotta stop cutting, please."

"But...I can't. I've tried so many times. It's hard." He said and dropped his head in shame.

"Please? I know it's hard but i'll be here for you."

He played with his fingers, "Okay, I promise." I smiled wide and hugged him again. I'm so glad I have my best friend again.


Hey puppy faces cx I'm completely sorry this one is so short :c I just wanted to update already. I took so long to update dis chiz but I'm all happy now cx so thnx guy for the reads and please vote! :D <3

Luv u guuuuys!!! <3


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