Chapter 5

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The next morning Adeline woke up practically beaming. She was so excited she started getting ready right when she woke up.

Addy put her hair in a half-up ponytail, with a small red ribbon. Then slightly curled her long hair so it cascaded in soft waves around her shoulders. Proud of her work, she went out to eat breakfast. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread and jam. Jefferson rarely let her eat at the table with him and Penelope but she didn't really mind.

After she finished the bread, Adeline went out to the front porch to read a book before helping Penelope with her hair and makeup (which was practically required of her for their 'hospitality'). An hour later Penelope's shrill voice carried out to the porch.

"Adeline! Come do my hair!"

Addy rolled her eyes and closed the book. She stood up, walked into Penelope's room, and saw her sitting at her vanity, brushing her long platinum blonde hair.

"Finally, can you be quicker next time?" Her 'sister' snapped. Adeline bit back a remark and walked over behind the chair. She grabbed a bunch of pins and started pulling Penelope's hair up into an elegant up-do. When she was done with that, Addy heavily caked her face with powder, eyeshadow, and lipstick for the stage.

"Now leave." Penelope said as soon as Adeline finished applying blush, she happily obliged and half ran, half walked to her room.

Addy sighed and got her dress off of the chair and changed, then looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled around once and laughed to herself. When she heard a knock on her door she swung it opened and wasn't surprised to see Jefferson in his best suit.

"We're leaving now." He said, not even looking at her. She smiled anyway just to annoy him and followed him to the carriage.
When they got to the opera house Adeline almost jumped out of the carriage while it was still moving, much to the dismay of Jefferson and Penelope. Once she was out, she stopped just to stare at the glorious building. It was definitely restored to its former glory and was now lit up with bright lights, as it was getting darker outside. She was about to step up onto the first step to go into the front doors, when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned to see Jefferson looking at her disgusted as he pointed to the side of the huge theatre.

Her mouth hung open in dismay, he expected her to go through the back entrance, usually meant for crew. She didn't even get to see the elegant lobby. Addy sighed and walked around to the back through an alley way. The view was much more drab back here and she had to step over puddles to not ruin her shoes.

When she found the door and opened it she saw that it lead to the many passageways of backstage. Adeline stepped in and quietly shut the door behind her, then walked to the stage.

"Adeline!" Someone yelled, she thought it was Penelope at first but turned and saw she was dead wrong.

"Aunt Meg!" Addy ran to the petite blonde and wrapped her arms around her.

"I never thought I'd see you here child. I'm very happy you've come. I was getting worried that horrible man locked you in the cellar or something." She teased.

Adeline smiled at her, "no I'm okay." Then she frowns.

"What's wrong?" Meg looks at her in concern.

"Nothing... Do you. Do you remember the Phantom?" Addy looks up at the woman who's face was now looking at her in horror.

"Adeline, we don't speak of that... incident." Meg taps her cheek, "I have to go start the opera. DON'T wander off." She walks towards the stage.

"But!... I saw him." Adeline whispers to herself, then sighs and walks towards the stage to watch the first act.
As soon as the beginning of the Opera was over, and everyone was bustling around in excitement, Adeline made sure that Meg was nowhere to be seen, then she slipped off to the hallway of dressing rooms.

There were signs on each one saying the name of the person and the part in which they played. Addy opened the first empty one she saw and slipped inside. She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror, remembering her mother telling her that the mirror opened to reveal a secret pathway to the phantoms hideout.

Adeline stepped towards it cautiously and placed her hands on either side, then pushed as hard as she could.
It wouldn't budge. This probably wasn't her mothers dressing room she thought hopefully, as she turned to leave.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist and she turned in surprise.
Dun. Dun. Duuuuun.
I don't usually do authors notes but I am really sorry that I haven't updated this in a few months. I feel really bad 😁

Especially sorry to Kyla ❤️ love you.

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