The Vampire and The Warlock [Kyuhyun x Donghae]

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Kyuhyun was busy being the treasurer of the student council, president of the Math Club, keeping up his grades to remain in the top ten in his batch at school and in the online game he is currently playing.  Not to mention, he still has a couple of rpg and tactical games to finish in his PSP and Xbox.

One night, he was on his way to the bus stop when a stranger grabbed his arm.  "I need your help."  It's not that Kyuhyun isn't helpful but he doesn't like strangers randomly grabbing his arm so he tried to shake it off but he could feel the impressive strength coming from the stranger.  "I need your help."  The stranger repeated.

"How rude.  You just suddenly grabbed my arm to ask for help which doesn't seem to be the urgent kind of help so you could have at least introduced yourself first."  Kyuhyun glared.  "And let go of me, you are starting to hurt me."

"I'm sorry."  The stranger released Kyuhyun's arm.  "My name is Donghae and I'm a vampire who is in need of your help."

Kyuhyun wasn't surprised.  He knew about their existence.  He knew about how some of his friends had no idea that whey they go into clubs, a vampire or two would casually walk up to them to talk and dance.  Kyuhyun would make sure not to mind their vampire business (a.k.a. feeding off humans or killing them) so he never really had problems with them.  "Ask help form someone else."  Kyuhyun tried to walk away but the vampire moved fast to block his path.

"But there isn't any other warlock in this city."

Kyuhyun was flabergasted  "What are you talking about? I'm not a warlock.  I believe you've got the wrong person."

"No, I'm not wrong." Donghae gripped Kyuhyun's wrist.  "I can feel the power in you."

"I dont know what you're talking about.  Let go!!!" Kyuhyun didn't know what happen because he could feel something surge inside him and the next thing he knew, an invisible forced pushed the vampire to the ground.  Kyuhyun chose this chance to run away from the distracted vampire.

Kyuhyun thought he was finally safe in his own home but he thought wrong.  He opened the door to his bedroom only to find out that the vampire was sitting on his bed and holding his family picture frame.

"Come inside and close that door.  Try to escape and I won't think twice about snapping the necks of your family members.  Shall I start with your sister?"  The vampire's long fingernail pointed at Kyuhyun's sister face on the picture.

Kyuhyun didn't want his family to be in harm so he chose to obey the vampire.  "What do you want from me?"  He asked after closing the door behind him.

"Like I said earlier, I need your help.  I was going to ask for your help nicely but you freaked out about the fact that I'm a vampire so I have to resort to threatening you now."  The vampire placed the family picture frame back to its original place on Kyuhyun's bedside table.

"If it's about me being a warlock, you thought wrong."

"Wrong? You even showed off your power a while ago."  The vampire moved to stand before Kyuhyun and stared hard at the human.  "Wow! You really aren't lying.  You have no idea that you're a warlock but that's okay.  You just have to study about being a warlock.  There's a certain spell that I want you to perform."

"Are you sure there aren't any other witches or warlocks in this city? And wouldn't it be easier for your to travel to the next city and ask that favor to an experienced witch or warlock?"  Kyuhyun tried to reason his way out of the vampire's favor because he really didn't want to do anything with a  vampire.

 "I killed the other witch in this city.  She was powerful and I had a hard time killing her so I don't want to run into experienced witches or warlocks for now.  A newbie like you is perfect for me.  I'm in no hurry anyway.  I still have centuries ahead of me."  Donghae said delightfully.

"What makes you so sure that I won't try to kill you when I learn magic?"

"I don't but I'm taking my chances with you.  I'll fetch you at school tomorrow so you better tell your parents beforehand that you'll be coming home late tomorrow."  With that, the vampire jumped out of Kyuhyun's window.

There was a pile of school work and games for Kyuhyun to do but he was in no mood now.  Kyuhyun plopped himself down on his bed and buried his head between the pillows. "I'm in deep shit."

End of Chapter 1

A/N:  This fic is written for sooeunhae_15 who had been a commenter back in livejournal and even requested a vampire fic from me waaaay before I joined aff and deviantart so I feel like I owe it to her since I haven't done her request for a looooong time so I ended up writing a multichap for her request.

It's the first time I written a vampire fic X_X and I hope I did fine... ermm.... comments please?

The Vampire and The Warlock [Kyuhyun x Donghae]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن