Chapter 4

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"Donghae, can you not meet up with Heechul tonight?"  Kyuhyun asked, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Unless you'll give me a good reason not to."  Donghae waited for Kyuhyun to say something but Kyuhyun could only frown as his mind tried to come up with lies because Krystal placed a spell on him so he couldn't tell the vampire about Krystal's revenge tonight.

"Nevermind."  Kyuhyun shouldn't care what happens to the vampire.  Wouldn't it better for him if Donghae dies so he could go back to his normal life quickly?

"It's not really about Heechul, isn't it?"  Donghae asked.  He could tell that there was definitely something off.  "I could tell that you aren't jealous right now so it's definitely not about Heechul.  There's something else you're not telling me."

"I want to tell you but I can't."  Kyuhyun sighed.

Donghae stared hard at Kyuhyun's eyes.  "Somebody compelled you not to tell me.  I guess I'll just have to be careful when I go out tonight.  If I don't come back tomorrow night, assume that I'm dead."

Kyuhyun grabbed the vampire's arm.  "How can you talk about death so casually?"

"Maybe because I won't die easily."  Donghae shrugged.  He had spent a lot of time escaping or fighting within the last 300 years.  "If I die, then maybe it's about time for me to die."

"Can't you just stay here instead and be safe?" Kyuhyun hated himself for acting like a wife not wanting her husband to go to battle.  He really does not know why he cares for the vampire.

"That would only mean I'll be safe tonight and doesn't mean I'll be safe tomorrow night so it's better if I'll just face it off."  Donghae moved his arm away from Kyuhyun's hold.  "It's strange to see someone care for me."

"I just don't want anyone dying.  Not you or the person you'll be fighting with tonight."  Kyuhyun frowned.

"Okay.  I'll try not to kill."


Donghae came prepared but not prepared enough.  He underestimated the witch.  Krystal may be younger but she was more powerful than her sister.  Donghae was lying on the ground in very much pain with his blood splattered all over.

"If you apologize or show signs of regret, I might make your death less painful."  Krystal folded her arms in a confident pose.

"Which still leads me to death anyway so I won't bother... aaahhhh!!!"  Donghae screamed in pain, clutching his head which feels like his brain is trying to burst out of his skull.  Then suddenly he felt relieved.

I don't know how long I can block your pain so take this as your chance.

Kyuhyun's voice came in his mind.  Donghae regained his strength now that he no longer have the pain bothering him.  He caught the witch off guard with his lightning fast speed.  He stood behind the witch and hit the back of her neck, knocking her off conscious.

After a while, Kyuhyun welcomed the bloody vampire inside his room.  "Are you okay?"

"My wounds have healed but my clothes aren't going to clean themselves.  Can I borrow some clean clothes? I don't think I can walk on the streets with my bloody clothes."  Donghae opened Kyuhyun's closet. "You lack style, man."

"Thank you for not killing her, Donghae, and I'm glad you're safe."  Kyuhyun's hand reached out to wipe the blood off on Donghae's cheek.  "You may have lived longer but your life is equally as precious as that witch so I don't want you to die so easily or to kill someone so easily."

Donghae suddenly felt something for Kyuhyun but he doesn't know what that feeling is so he simply tried to joke about it.  "You're always annoyed with me.  It's strange to see you like this.  Are you sure you're Kyuhyun?"

Then Kyuhyun's attitude changed again.  Back to the one Donghae was familiar with.  "Hey, I wouldn't have minded if she killed you but she TOLD me about killing you which makes a huge difference because if you die, then I'd feel guilty about it for not being able to tell you because she complled me  not to tell you."

"You're such a jerk, Kyuhyun."  Donghae said while taking his clothes off.

"Oh my gawd! Have the decency to use the bathroom!!! Don't change in front of me."  Kyuhyun turned around.

"I thought you were really nice today but I guess it was simply because of the guilt you felt huh?"  Donghae finished changin and he didn't like the feeling of having a huge disappointment towards Kyuhyun.  "You shouldn't have acted as if you cared in the first place, it doesn't suit you."  The vampire brought his bloody clothes with him as he took the exit via window.

"I don't understand myself."  Kyuhyun grumbled as he opened his spellbook right on the page where it showed the spell for vampires to be able to walk on daylight.

End of Chapter 4

The Vampire and The Warlock [Kyuhyun x Donghae]Where stories live. Discover now