Independence Day: The Beginning

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 Today four of the Justice League members Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, and Aqua-man would bring their sidekicks to the Hall of Justice for the first time. Robin, AquaLad, Kid Flash, and Speedy were with their mentors when each city where the four Justice League members live were attack at the same time and day.

Narrator's POV:

Gotham City:

In Gotham Batman and Robin fought Mister Freeze. Mister Freeze says to Robin "Batman sends a boy to do the job, i'm underwhelmed. Robin said to Batman" hurry up, I don't want to be late." Mister Freeze said" teenagers, they are always in a hurry." After Freeze said that Robin said to him "no talking to you." Then the shadow of Batman appears behind him and then Batman knock Mister Freeze out cold. After Mister Freeze was down Robin came over to Batman and said "today's the day."

Star City:

Over in Star City on the suspension bridge Green Arrow and Speedy were fighting Icicle Jr was flipping and turning cars, using his cryokinetic powers to do so. As he laughs (thinking he's all powerful and Mr. cool) arrows explode around him, and he looks at the top of the bridge and sees Green Arrow and Speedy taking aim. Speedy hits Jr in the jaw and Green Arrow jokes "that Junior had a glass jaw." Speedy dismisses the jokes and exclaims that "today's the day."

Pearl Harbor:

Over in Pearl Harbor AquaMan and AquaLad fought Killer Frost the sister of Icicle Jr. AquaMan said to AquaLad " are you excited to see the Hall of Justice?" AquaLad responded i'm more focused at the task at hand my king. Then after AquaLad knockout Killer Freeze he turned to his mentor and said" yes, yes I'm excited."

Not far from Gotham City, over in Central City where the speedsters Flash and Kid Flash were fighting Captain Cold ( the stupidest villain name known in the DC Comics) from robbing the Gem Depository, the two speedsters were running circles around him while Captain Cold was shooting his cold gun (stupidest name for a gun)  and Kid Flash said " we don't have time for this " and after Kid Flash runs across and steals Captain Cold's  cold gun from his hands and skids to other side of the road. Then Flash files in and punches Captain Cold across the face knocking Captain Cold to the ground.  After Flash tells his nephew to calm down, But KF resists as he expresses excitement and said " today's the day."  

Hall Of Justice:

Upon arrival at the Hall of Justice, all four sidekicks are given a brief of the Hall, before the sidekick's mentors along with Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado attempt to leave the room for the debrief of the morning's events. 

After their mentors are done talking, Speedy says that the Hall of Justice isn't the real headquarters of the Justice League. The real HQ is a space station called the Watch Tower. Then Green Arrow turned and looked at Batman gave him a mad look then a glare.

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