Giving you up

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I ignored him. It was hard with all the talking he was doing but I managed to pull through. Every day him and his little friend Alex would bug me like crazy. Every day I would ignore them. And every day Gladys would make sure I did. Sometimes she would even FaceTime me to make sure I didn't talk to him. Slowly him started to leave me alone. Alex on the other hand would always be all up on me and get into my business. Until one day i couldn't take it anymore. I jumped the seats and tackled him. I grabbed  him hair into my hand. My other hand started to form a fist. I punched his face real hard then plopped back into my seat. I looked down staring at my colorful phone case and realized what I did was wrong. When I got home my mom greeted me at the door but instead of talking to her I walked right past her. I walked right into my room and slammed the door. The more I thought about it this all was cause Gladys. But Gladys is my BFF. Or is she? I herd the doorbell ring and what do you know it was Gladys. Before I could speak she said " you can start hanging out with him ". I couldn't help but smile I was so happy she made this decision. When I had gotten on the bus him and Alex put their bags down. They got off the bus and played some soccer. I decided to try and be funny so I sat in their seat. The buses started leaving so they ran on the bus. They saw me in their seat and gave me a disgusted look. Him in a rude tone said "move". When I quickly replied "no" with a smile he rolled his eyes and sat in new seat with his friend Alex close behind. I almost punched him before realizing it was no point. Instead I went to the contact named him and texted don't text this number again pls. He asked why. I said who was this. With a frustrated look he texted u know who don't play this game with me. I told him cause you didn't sit with me. OK so that sounds stupid and selfish. Well I only got mad cause he never sits with me and he gave me a disgusted look. Not to mention he treats me so poorly even after I warned him and asked him to stop. Day after day my guilt started to build. We completely stopped hanging out. I'm assuming his parents didn't know cause they still liked to smile and wave. I know that's what all people do but he cussed me out over text so I truly thought they made it weird when they waved. Days started going by and he texted me. He only said two weird words hey girl. It's not that weird but it is if your friendamy says it. I couldn't ignore him so I said hey with a question mark. I wasn't sure what he meant. After about 30 minutes of texting me and wondering why he was texting me the doorbell rang. I threw my phone on my bed and rushed to the door thinking it was Andrew...... He said he was coming over today. I quickly unlocked the door when I creaked it open to my surprise it was HIM. My face got read quick. He got on his knee and pulled flowers from behind his back. My face got even reder every minute. When I took the flowers there was a note to. On the note there where a few words scribbled out on the paper. I'm sorry about the past and I'm wondering if you can forgive me. I ran and hugged him but to soon Andrew was here now. How could I be so stupid? He was screaming at me then stormed off. With tears running down my face I chased after him. I kept thinking that this was all hims fault but to be honest it was mine. Yelling after Andrew I yelled " it's over you jerk. He couldn't even take a second to think what me and him might have been going through. I walked back to him then kissed him on the cheek. After that stormed back inside while slamming the door behind me.

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