The fight

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When I walked in the 2 school doors 2 months left of school Andrew walked up to me. With a little smirk he hugged me tightly. I quickly pushed him away and walked off. It's his fault for not being understanding. I gave a glance over my shoulder to see Andrews face in shock. When I looked back toward the hallway I giggled. Ok so maybe that was a little mean but he's the one that started this war. And I'm not gonna back down till he does first. I'm not the person who will just let the other person win in a fight. I will fight till he literally can't. Now every time I got home I went straight to our back room. In the back room we had work out equipment and a punching bag with gloves which was for my dad but why not put it to use. He obviously never does it's starting to collect dust. I had been practicing now for weeks now I think a month even. Till one the day the time came at school. Andrew came up to me with his fist clenched. He was mad enough to fight? More interesting... Fight me? I was a couple inches taller than him and clearly had more muscles. Well looked like I had more muscles. His fist drew back my hands where up ready to punch. Surprised the coaches hadn't rushed over to us even though they where on the other side of the track. My friends started to pile behind us and started rooting. Annlea was there of course rooting for Andrew. Andrew through his punch in my rib I could only think of saying " that's all you got."  Oh boy I hope that's all he's got that HURT. He looks so weak but he wasn't. I looked like a fool standing there not punching. When I finally did I through a weird but strong punch at his nose. He stumbled back with blood dripping out of his nose. I through another punch this time at his ear area. I didn't put my hands back up quick enough so he got a good hit at my eye. This time I stumbled back. In my he'd I only was thinking that's gonna leave a bruise. That's when it hit me think of what all he did to you. I ran up tackled him and started punching. Through his screaming I still somehow heard my coaches and friends yelling at me to stop. The police officer at my school pulled me off of him. I felt proud till I saw his face. Now I only felt guilt. I threw up. I didn't know why but now I thought my life was over. Great for a week I had oss. Out of school suspension. My mom yelled at me for the whole week and grounded me from the back room. She bought that would stop me from working out hah. What a joker. That night when I went to bed I was thinking of how I used to be such a good child now look at me. When the week was over I explained to Andrew how he made me feel. I also couldn't stop saying sorry. He said it was his fault. We hugged this time it was different it felt good. I invited him over tonight. My mom cooked up some chicken for us. On the side my favorite cauliflower! Now was the point me and him where cool and weren't in an argument even though I was still mad at him. I mean how could I not be. I even still have the bruise where his first punch hit.

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