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Thank you for reading ..

Listen to song above by

Nf ~ mansion

Hope you enjoy ..

Insidious is blind inception
What's reality with all these questions?
Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in
Broken legs but I chase perfection
These walls are my blank expression
My mind is a home I'm trapped in
And it's lonely inside this mansion

Yo my mind is a house with walls covered in lyrics
They're all over the place, there's songs in the mirrors
Written all over the floors, all over the chairs
And you get the uncut version of life when I go downstairs
That's where I write when I'm in a bad place and need to release
And let out the version of NF you don't want to see
I put holes in the walls with both of my fists 'til they bleed
You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me
Physically abused, now that's the room that I don't want to be in
That picture ain't blurry at all, I just don't want to see it
And these walls ain't blank, I just think I don't want to see 'em
But why not? I'm in here, so I might as well read 'em
I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around
Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground
Matter of fact I think I'm a burn this room right now
So now this memory for some reason just won't come down
You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes
Then took me downstairs and beat me 'til I screamed and I cried
Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind
But I'm a keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside


The floors where cold , I couldn't see anything everything was black but I could hear screaming someone calling my name, I couldn't breathe it hurt to talk how was I supposed to answer the person calling me, I felt around the dark room and found a dim light coming through the door and saw someone walk past

"He-Help someone H- Help m-e please." I pleaded the more I screamed the more hurt I felt in my side I don't remember where I am or how I got here I reached to my side and felt a liquid I crawled to the door , and put my finger near the light it was red


There was no use of screaming ,

No use of moving ,


This is the end ,

Why did this happen to me I thought he was perfect ........ I guess I

Spoke Too Soon ......

Literally I hope you like this I'm sorry its short if you enjoy this please like comment share this book for others to read

This story is very emotional so get ready for a very emotional journey with Justin And rowan

Enjoy the rest muah

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Spoke To Soon *Jb* Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora