Chapter 2

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Hey thanks for the support so far here's another chapter for you guys



I finally reached home I got out the car slamming the door walking to the house

I unlocked the door and ran straight upstairs to my room I walked into my bathroom and reached behind the sink and found my blade I sat on the toilet and rolled up my sleeve revealing the old cuts and some fresh ones from a few days ago time to ge...

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I unlocked the door and ran straight upstairs to my room I walked into my bathroom and reached behind the sink and found my blade I sat on the toilet and rolled up my sleeve revealing the old cuts and some fresh ones from a few days ago time to get relief I did five new cuts wincing at the last one

I sat there for a minute

"Rowan are you upstairs I need to talk to you now!" My mom yelled

"Coming hold on." I yelled back I cleaned up the blood and blade, rolled my sleeve down and walked downstairs

"Why did I get a phone call saying you walked out of the school building during your lunch period." She said why is she so mad

"Well I wasn't feeling good and just wanted to go home." I said she raised her eyebrow

"Then why didn't you just go to the nurse?" She asked

"If I would have went to the nurse she would've called you and I didn't want you to leave work worrying about me." I said in a pleading way hoping that she would believe me and not ask anything else because I'm not good at lying at all

"Well I would rather leave work to see if you are okay ... Are you okay." She asked me

"Y-yeah I'm just.... My stomach hurts that's all I wanna go lay down." I said while running up the stairs I closed my door and locked it I hate my life can I just die already .....


It pisses me off that someone can actually do that to someone they must have some serious issues

"You are a fucking retard why do you do it huh?" I growled at Justin

"Do what I can't seem yo remember what you're talking about." He said sarcastically with his famous smirk on his face

"Now you don't know, well let me refresh your memory since you went dumb all of a sudden , why the fuck would you do that to her trip her throw her into lockers,why do you bully her what has she ever done to you huh you're a crazy motherfucker that needs help fuck you and your how group you little abusive bastards, and if I ever see you near her again I won't hesitate yo break your fucking neck understood." I said getting closer to his face

"Man who the fuc-." I cut him off I just want him to shut the fuck up

"Justin I don't want to hear your words please shut the fuck up I'm done with this conversation no get the fuck outta my face before I hit you because that's what I wanna do right now." I screamed he was gonna say something but got the hint and stormed off

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