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Six Years Later
Phil POV

It has been six years since Dan and I have gotten married and adopted our beautiful daughter. Today is her birthday and we have a huge princess party planned out. Aubrie is in Japan with Hannah sadly so she can't make it but agreed to Skype with us later.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Sky ran in smiling.
"What is it princess?" I kneel down catching her in my arms.
"She's here! She in the lounge!" she points towards the lounge and jumps down to run too the lounge.

I follow her and see two girls standing in the lounge.

"Aubrie!! Hannah!!! You made it!" I run to them wrapping them both into my arms giving them a hug.
"Of course! We wouldn't have missed this little princess party for anything." Aubrie rubs her stomach softly.
"When do we eat? I haven't eaten since yesterday!"

Aubrie and Hannah dressed up as Belle and Ariel since Aubrie dyed her hair red.
Dan dressed up as Eugene from Rapunzel and I went as Prince Charming!
Sky wanted to be Sleeping Beauty.

Two weeks later
Aubrie and Hannah are getting married today. They've waited six years to do it but I guess it makes sense. They had some trouble a few years back but they got through it. Maybe it was better they they waited to get married.

They both look so beautiful and I am so happy too see them finally doing it.

Aubrie has always been like a sister to me so it makes me even happier that I get too be here watching her marry the person she loves so much.
Turns out they want a baby too. They've been looking at local adoption agencies and found an adorable little boy, about 2. His name is Alexander.

I can't imagine my life without having met Dan. I wouldn't be where I am today. Married to the greatest man on the planet with the most amazing and beautiful daughter and have the best sister ever.

This has been the most fun I've ever had.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to comment what you thought ^~^
Stay lovely,
~ D)

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