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Carlos frowns sceptically at the lightweight breathing mask Mil hands him. It's more or less a simple filter, without air supply.

"Are you sure it's possible to breath with this thing out there? No danger to get poisoned or infected by some alien bacteria or virus?"

"Carlos! Andrej and I spent the last two days scanning this Planet from head to toe. There is nothing wrong with the air outside. It's breathable without any filter, a bit thinner than on Earth, with a higher content of oxygen and some higher percentages of noble gases. Carbon dioxide values show pronounced oscillation between day and night, not surprising with the vegetation density. The good message is that there is significantly less carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. I can give you precise values if you are interested."

The technician's face shows still some doubts. In the meantime, Dray got almost ready, zipping up her protection suit, and now tries on the mask. Her skin is covered up completely. She grins at Carlos through her visor. Her hoarse voice sounds strangely deep, distorted by the mask.

"See? Everything is well protected. Hurry up, or tell Koshi that you are afraid. I'm sure Mil longs for the chance to come in your stead."

Carlos accusingly glances from Dray to Mil, who can't help smiling about his harried expression. Neither did it slip her attention that, for the first time, Dray actually called her Mil. She double checks the equipment of the pilot, making sure everything is in working order. Dray endures the procedure patiently, obviously aware of the fact the biologist envies her for the chance to take part in the first planetary excursion. If this makes her more companionable, Mil is almost ready to accept the fact that her own trip outside will have to wait. She longs to get to visit the planet, but Koshi insists she follows the reconnaissance trip from the ship, together with Andrej. Probably that's only reasonable, the two scientists can help the team more from behind a screen and with access to all available data. While Carlos forces his suit closed, Mil recites one more time the most important facts and instructions.

"Okay, Emerald is quite a bit smaller than Earth. Gravitation here is only about 0.8 g. You know exactly what this means. The suits will protect you against most things you might encounter out there, even against the heat. It's recommended to wear the masks at all times. I want to be sure everything is as harmless as it seems at the moment and will analyse the residues in the filters as soon as you are back. Have you got everything?"

Dray nods silently and Mil starts the check of Carlos equipment, continuing her speech.

"We know there are plants out there. Up until now, our sensors didn't pick up animals or anything that would pass as intelligent being. If they are there, they are masters at hiding. We should have been able to discern potential life signs during approach."

Carlos's frown deepens.

"What if they are cold blooded, like snakes ore something?"

"Snakes are reptiles and as such poikilotherm. This means their body temperature adapts to the environment. I can't preclude the possibility of life forms our sensors are not able to pick up. I'm sure it will pay to be prudent."

"Additionally, we will bring these!"

Together with Andrej, Koshi enters the preparation room and offers Dray and Carlos a hand-weapon each. He is already suited up and Mil believes to recognise anticipation in his normally unreadable face before he pulls over his mask. Andrej checks his equipment and nods at Mil. Everything is clear and she switches on the wireless connection of the three masks. Koshi smiles at her almost companionable and enters the lock. Carlos paints a strange sign in the air in front of his forehead and chest before he follows the captain, obviously still with mixed feelings. Dray goes last, her eyes showing her excitement. Mil closes the lock chambers and secures the latch. Now is the time to check communication.

"Dray, do you copy? Don't forget to bring me some plant samples!"

"Will do, sure, as much as I can carry."

Her almost nervous laughter stops as Andrej opens the outer lock. On screen, the two scientists observe the pilot as she takes a long step and briskly walks down the ramp to become the first human to set foot on this planet.

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